Biblical Defense of Theonomy

By This Standard: The Authority of God's Law Today by Greg L. Bahnsen
No Other Standard: Theonomy and its Critics by Greg L. Bahnsen
House Divided: The Break-up of Dispensational Theology by Greg L. Bahnsen and Ken L. Gentry, Jr.
God's Law for Modern Man by Brian Schwertley
The Modified Dispensationalism of Greg Loren Durand Exposed by Brian Schwertley
Commissary General Henry Ireton's Defense of Theonomy at the 1648 Whitehall Debates
Greg Bahnsen's Response to John W. Robbins' "Theonomic Schizophrenia" by Greg L. Bahnsen
The Authority of the Old Testament in the State by William O. Einwechter
Political Polytheism by Brian Schwertley
The Great Commission's Political Implications by Steve C. Halbrook
Romans 13 and Restraining Blasphemers, Idolaters, and Other Violators of the First Table of the Law by Steve C. Halbrook
R.O.S.E.S.: The Five Points of Christian Reconstruction by Mark D. Brown
Theonomic Apologetics
The Flaw of Natural Law by Phillip G. Kayser
Lord of Soul and State: The Duty of Christians to Mix Politics and Religion by Mike Warren
Refuting the "Biblical Civil Law has caused all these Atrocities" Argument by Steve C. Halbrook
Are you Dispensational when it comes to Old Testament Civil Law? by Steve C. Halbrook
Commentary on the Whole Bible (Unabridged) by Matthew Henry
Exposition of the Bible by John Gill
Annotations upon the Holy Bible: Volume One (Genesis through Job) by Matthew Poole
Annotations upon the Holy Bible: Volume Two (Psalms through Malachi) by Matthew Poole
Annotations upon the Holy Bible: Volume Three (Matthew through Revelation) by Matthew Poole
Harmony of the Law: Volume One by John Calvin
Harmony of the Law: Volume Two by John Calvin
Harmony of the Law: Volume Three by John Calvin
Harmony of the Law: Volume Four by John Calvin
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume I: Genesis by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume II: Exodus by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume III: Leviticus by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume IV: Numbers by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume V: Deuteronomy by R. J. Rushdoony
Ruler of the Nations by Gary DeMar
Constitution Party GA Chairman's Address on the Necessity of Acknowledging Christ's Lordship in Politics by Ricardo Davis
Civil Rulers
Commentary on the Whole Bible (Unabridged) by Matthew Henry
Exposition of the Bible by John Gill
Annotations upon the Holy Bible: Volume One (Genesis through Job) by Matthew Poole
Annotations upon the Holy Bible: Volume Two (Psalms through Malachi) by Matthew Poole
Harmony of the Law: Volume Two by John Calvin
Harmony of the Law: Volume Three by John Calvin
Harmony of the Law: Volume Four by John Calvin
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume I: Genesis by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume II: Exodus by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume III: Leviticus by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume IV: Numbers by R. J. Rushdoony
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Volume V: Deuteronomy by R. J. Rushdoony
Lordship of Christ
Constitution Party GA Chairman's Address on the Necessity of Acknowledging Christ's Lordship in Politics by Ricardo Davis
Civil Rulers
Should Christians Vote for Ron Paul? by Steve C. Halbrook
Yes, Christians should Vote for Ron Paul: or Why Treebeard is not a good example for Christians by Bojidar Marinov
No, Christians should not Vote for Ron Paul; or Why Obeying God trumps "Political Victory" by Steve C. Halbrook
R. J. Rushdoony versus Ron Paul's Libertarianism by Steve C. Halbrook
The godly King Asa and Voting Ethics by Caleb Hayden
Some Comments on the Present Controversy to Exegete Rushdoony's "Radical Libertarianism" Statement by Caleb Hayen
Reasons to not Support Mitt Romney by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
What Politically Pragmatic Christians can Learn from 300 Spartans by Steve C. Halbrook
Yes, Christians should Vote for Ron Paul: or Why Treebeard is not a good example for Christians by Bojidar Marinov
No, Christians should not Vote for Ron Paul; or Why Obeying God trumps "Political Victory" by Steve C. Halbrook
R. J. Rushdoony versus Ron Paul's Libertarianism by Steve C. Halbrook
The godly King Asa and Voting Ethics by Caleb Hayden
Some Comments on the Present Controversy to Exegete Rushdoony's "Radical Libertarianism" Statement by Caleb Hayen
Reasons to not Support Mitt Romney by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
What Politically Pragmatic Christians can Learn from 300 Spartans by Steve C. Halbrook
Baptismal Regeneration
Baptismal Regeneration: A False Gospel by Steve C. Halbrook
Beware of Ted R. Weiland by Steve C. Halbrook
Federal Vision
Auburn Avenue Theology: A Biblical Critique by Brian Schwertley
What's the Big Deal with the Federal Vision? Is it Heresy? by Steve C. Halbrook
A Reply to the Joint Federal Vision Profession by Wes White
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Use of Non-Scriptural Terminology
Part 3: How do we Speak to the Visible Church?
Part 4: The Common Operations of the Spirit
Part 5: The Denial of the Visible/Invisible Church Distinction
Part 6: The Federal Vision's Rejection of Biblical Bi-Covenantalism
Part 7: None Dare Call it "Baptismal Regeneration"
Part 8: The Federal Vision Denies the Law/Gospel Distinction
Peter Leithart and the PCA's Failure to Deal with the Federal Vision by Sean Gerety
The Federal Vision Threat to Reformed Baptists by Steve C. Halbrook
The Kinist Heresy: A Biblical Critique of Racism by Brian Schwertley
Refuting Kinism by Steve C. Halbrook (
Refuting Kinism by Steve C. Halbrook (
The Kinist Tower of Babel by Steve C. Halbrook
Kinism is not pro-Theonomy, but anti-Theonomy by Steve C. Halbrook
Ku Klux Kinism? Striking Similarities between Kinism and the KKK
Influential Kinist site Advocates the Ku Klux Klan
R. J. Rushdoony versus Kinism by Steve C. Halbrook
Biblical Law
The First Commandment by Brian Schwertley
The Christian Sabbath Examined, Proved, Applied by Brian Schwertley
What Penalty for Child-Molesting and Rape? by Francis Nigel Lee
Is the Death Penalty Just? by Phillip G. Kayser
The Sabbath and Modern Industrial Civilization: A Critique of Gary North's "The Economics of Sabbath Keeping" by Brian Schwertley
Government by William O. Einwechter
The Sine Qua Non of Enduring Freedom by John W. Robbins
The Trayvon Martin Controversy and Biblical Justice by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Yes, the Bible does Explicitly Teach Law Categories by Steve C. Halbrook
On Burning Books and Demolishing Idols by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Torture: A Biblical Critique by Phillip G. Kayser
The Ethics of Organ Transplants by Phillip G. Kayser
Why I Reject Autonomous Liberty by James Brown, Jr.
The Ethics and Economics of Health Care by John W. Robbins
10 Costs of "Free" Government Healthcare by Steve C. Halbrook
The Soldier's Catechism
The New Model Army's Laws and Ordinances of War
Heinrich Bullinger on Waging War Biblically
Stonewall Jackson and the Black Flag
The Bible and the Draft by John W. Robbins
Narragansett Indians Threaten the Pilgrims - and How the Pilgrims Respond
The Prince of Conde on Trusting in God for Military Victory
Border Meltdown: Biblical Principles to Address our Immigration Crisis by Steve C. Halbrook
Bordered Liberty: the Immigration Policy of the Pilgrims and Puritans by Steve C. Halbrook
Self Defense
The Bible and Self-Defense by William O. Einwechter
A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants by Junius Brutus
Does Saul's Anointing Oppose Interposition? Historical Perspectives
The Doctrine of Non-Partiality as a Basis for the Interposition of Lesser Magistrates by Steve C. Halbrook
He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology by Ken L. Gentry, Jr.
The Victory of Christian Culture: An Exposition of Isaiah 65:17-25 by Daniel F. N. Ritchie
Imperious Presbyterianism by Kevin Reed
John Knox on the Place of Women
Children in Public Schools: Light to the World, or Human Sacrifice? by Steve C. Halbrook
Does Scripture Teach 1) Consistent Male Headship, or 2) that Parents Have Equal Authority in Raising Children? by Steve C. Halbrook
Mature Daughters: A Mentoring Checklist for Daughters and Young Women by Phillip G. Kayser
Kinism is not pro-Theonomy, but anti-Theonomy by Steve C. Halbrook
Ku Klux Kinism? Striking Similarities between Kinism and the KKK
Influential Kinist site Advocates the Ku Klux Klan
R. J. Rushdoony versus Kinism by Steve C. Halbrook
Beware of Ted R. Weiland by Steve C. Halbrook
Biblical Law
The First Commandment by Brian Schwertley
The Christian Sabbath Examined, Proved, Applied by Brian Schwertley
What Penalty for Child-Molesting and Rape? by Francis Nigel Lee
Is the Death Penalty Just? by Phillip G. Kayser
The Sabbath and Modern Industrial Civilization: A Critique of Gary North's "The Economics of Sabbath Keeping" by Brian Schwertley
Government by William O. Einwechter
The Sine Qua Non of Enduring Freedom by John W. Robbins
The Trayvon Martin Controversy and Biblical Justice by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Yes, the Bible does Explicitly Teach Law Categories by Steve C. Halbrook
On Burning Books and Demolishing Idols by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
Torture: A Biblical Critique by Phillip G. Kayser
The Ethics of Organ Transplants by Phillip G. Kayser
Why I Reject Autonomous Liberty by James Brown, Jr.
10 Costs of "Free" Government Healthcare by Steve C. Halbrook
The Soldier's Catechism
The New Model Army's Laws and Ordinances of War
Heinrich Bullinger on Waging War Biblically
Stonewall Jackson and the Black Flag
The Bible and the Draft by John W. Robbins
Just War Dominion by James Brown Jr.
Battlefield Victory Belongs to the Great God Almighty by Steve C. Halbrook
Battlefield Victory Belongs to the Great God Almighty by Steve C. Halbrook
Narragansett Indians Threaten the Pilgrims - and How the Pilgrims Respond
The Prince of Conde on Trusting in God for Military Victory
Border Meltdown: Biblical Principles to Address our Immigration Crisis by Steve C. Halbrook
Bordered Liberty: the Immigration Policy of the Pilgrims and Puritans by Steve C. Halbrook
Self Defense
The Bible and Self-Defense by William O. Einwechter
A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants by Junius Brutus
Does Saul's Anointing Oppose Interposition? Historical Perspectives
The Doctrine of Non-Partiality as a Basis for the Interposition of Lesser Magistrates by Steve C. Halbrook
He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology by Ken L. Gentry, Jr.
The Victory of Christian Culture: An Exposition of Isaiah 65:17-25 by Daniel F. N. Ritchie
Imperious Presbyterianism by Kevin Reed
John Knox on the Place of Women
Does Scripture Teach 1) Consistent Male Headship, or 2) that Parents Have Equal Authority in Raising Children? by Steve C. Halbrook
Mature Daughters: A Mentoring Checklist for Daughters and Young Women by Phillip G. Kayser
King Alfred the Great and our Common Law by Francis Nigel Lee
The Reformation and Dutch Political Culture by Daniel F. N. Ritchie
The Protector: A Vindication by Merle D'Aubigne
Theonomy in the Middle Ages: The Case of Thomas Aquinas by Marc A. Clauson
Sola Scriptura and Civil Government: Part 1: The Regulative Principle of the State as Advocated in the Reformation by Steve C. Halbrook
Covenanter Theonomy by Vindiciae Legis
Persecuted for Theonomy? Charles II Targets Scottish Covenanters for Advocating the Judicial Laws of Moses by Steve C. Halbrook
In Defense of Oliver Cromwell by Steve C. Halbrook (part 1, part 2, part 3)
Pilgrim Profiles (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
The Westminster Confession and Judicial Law: The Anti-Theonomic Misrepresentations of Matthew Winzer by Vindiciae Legis
Theonomy, the Westminster Confession and Antinomianism: The Fallacies of Matthew Winzer by Vindiciae Legis
A Critique of a Critique of Theonomy: An Analysis of Matthew Winzer’s Misrepresentations of Theonomy and the Confession of Faith by Brian Schwertley
Theonomy Quotes/Commentary
Early Church
Athanasius on Church and State Restraining Heresy
Firmicus Maternus: Early Christianity's Theonomy Apologist
Ambrose Praises Theodosius for Destroying Idolatry
Augustine of Hippo's Defense of Christ's Lordship Over Civil Government
More Pre-Reformation Theonomy
Charlemagne on Following Josiah's Example in Restoring Biblical Worship
Alfred the Great on the Applicability of Matthew 5:17-19 to Civil Law
German Reformation
Early Lutheranism and Old Testament Civil Law: Not the Two Kingdoms Theology you Thought it Was
Martin Bucer: Rulers that are Severe with Wolves are Merciful to the Sheep
Swiss Reformation
Ulrich Zwingli: Rulers ought to be Christians
William Farel on Criminalizing the Promotion of Heresy
John Calvin encourages Queen Jeanne d'Albret to advance the Christian Religion
John Calvin writes to Renee de France about Criminalizing the Mass
John Calvin encourages Lord Protector Edward Seymour to Suppress Subversives
Bullinger Defends Calvin on the Execution of Servetus
Henry Bullinger on Laws against Anti-Trinitarian Heretics
French Reformation
Jeanne d'Albret: Biblical Rulers destroy High Places
The Prince of Conde on Trusting in God for Military Victory
English Reformation
Richard Hakluyt on the Duty of Rulers to Advance Christianity
Theonomy in the Early English Reformers: John Wycliffe and William Tyndale on a Ruler's Duties
William Tyndale on Tyrants and Judgment
A godly Ruler's Inauguration: The Coronation of Edward VI
Edward VI: Rulers must Govern by the Bible
Thomas Cranmer Charges Edward VI to Destroy Idolatry
The Prayer of a Theonomist: Edward Seymour's Prayer to Glorify God as Lord Protector of England
Lady Jane Grey's Proclamation to Garner Support, and Warning about the Dominion of Papists
Cromwellian Era
John Owen on Old Testament Civil Law
John Owen on the Duty of Rulers to Protect Biblical Worship
Oliver Cromwell on Christian Unity, Compulsion, and the Sword of the State
More Post-Reformation Theonomy
The State's Obligations Regarding the Church (Wilhelmus à Brakel)
Matthew Henry on Christianity in National Constitutions
Matthew Henry on Isaiah 49:23 and Rulers Supporting the Church
John Gill: Best Governments come nearest to the Commonwealth of Israel
Jonathan Edwards on God as the Supreme Magistrate
John Wesley on the Political Subversiveness of Catholicism
Prayer as a Means of Dominion (Charles Spurgeon)
Early America
Rulers Must Adopt the Judicial Laws of Moses and Defend God's Honor (Nathaniel Morton)
John Cotton Answers Accusations that Oliver Cromwell is a Dangerous Usurper
John Eliot on the Duties of all Rulers
Later America
Why Religion has Everything to do with Politics (John Mitchell Mason)
Theonomy Applied
Old Testament
The Reformation of King Asa
Early Christendom
Emperor Constantine's Suppression of Idolatry and Heresy
Constantine's Sabbath Enforcement
Constantine's War to Liberate Persecuted Christians
Emperor Theodosius Ends the Pagan Olympics
Theodosius II's Laws against non-Christian Religions and Heretical Sects
The Justinian Code's Law against Graven Images of Jesus
The British Isles (prior to the Reformation)
King Cratilinth of Scotland: Third Century Defender of Christianity
Patrick of Ireland ("Saint Patrick") influences Celtic Christianity to adopt Biblical Civil Law
Alfred the Great's Capital Sanctions
Protections for Slaves in the Code of Alfred
King Canute's Charter of Liberties
William the Conqueror and Theocentric Law
William the Conqueror's Slave Laws
Queen Margaret of Scotland's Lord's Day Enforcement
More Pre-Reformation Theonomy
Laws from Charlemagne's "Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae"
Charlemagne's Capitulary of 802
The Theocratic Rule of the Visigoth Kings
The Reign of Stephen I of Hungary
Jan Zizka: Warrior, Hussite Reformer, Theonomist
Reformation Geneva
Crime and Punishment in Calvin's Geneva between February 1562 and February 1563
The Sentence against Michael Servetus
The French Reformation
The Ecclesiastical Ordinances of Jeanne d'Albret
The Prince of Conde's Treaty to Further Peace and Glorify God
The godly French Huguenot Army
Gaspard de Coligny's Reforms of the French Military
Gaspard de Coligny's efforts to protect Protestants from Persecution
The Rule of the United Provinces of the Midi
The English Reformation/post-Reformation
Hugh Latimer Supports England's Iconoclastic Movement
The Royal Injunctions of Edward VI
Edward VI Criminalizes the Promotion of Freewill Theology
Iconoclasm during Edward Seymour's Protectorate
Sir Francis Walsingham: Spymaster, Diplomat, and Defender of Protestantism
Sir Francis Walsingham Employs Espionage to Suppress Catholicism
Sir William Blackstone on Offenses against God and Religion
Military Regulations of Henry Cary, Lord Deputy of Ireland
Oliver Cromwell's Military Decree against harming Irish Civilians
The New Model Army's Laws and Ordinances of War
The Instrument of Government and Christian Tolerance
King William of Orange and Blasphemy
More Reformation-era Theonomy
Frederick III's Iconoclasm
Military Laws of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Reformation Scotland's Overlap between Church Discipline and Punishments for Civil Crimes
More Recent
General George Washington's Prohibitions of Blasphemy
"Rules for Indian Courts" Bans Pagan Practices
The Lord's Day Act in Canada
Contemporary Theonomy
Tonga's Sabbath Legislation
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni Dedicates Uganda to God
Angola First Country to Ban Islam, Destroy Mosques
Hungary's Christian-Influenced Constitution
Rand Paul's Defense of Persecuted Christians and Unborn Children
1 comment:
Thanks a lot for this great material. God bless you. Blessings from Peru.
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