by Steve C. Halbrook
posts in this series:
part 1: The Inoculation Controversy of the 1700s
part 2: Opposition to Vaccines by Doctors and Others in History
part 3: The Inquisition Against Opponents of Bad Medical Practices
part 4: The Medical Profession's Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder
part 2: Opposition to Vaccines by Doctors and Others in History
part 3: The Inquisition Against Opponents of Bad Medical Practices
part 4: The Medical Profession's Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder
part 6: Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam
part 7: Moral Objections to Vaccination and Inoculation in History
part 7: Moral Objections to Vaccination and Inoculation in History
Series Intro
Vaccines have become one of the most polarizing issues of the day. There is an aggressive push by lawmakers to force everyone to become vaccinated, as well as intense hostility by many vaccine supporters towards those who question the efficacy and safety of vaccines.
Where's all the opposition to vaccines coming from? Are opponents of them crazed fanatics, looking for a conspiracy, or are their concerns legitimate? Having given this topic much reflection and research, we are of the view that they indeed have a case against vaccines, and that vaccines—far from being safe and effective—are a dangerous plague and one of the greatest deceptions in our day.
This series is a case against vaccines from both an historical and biblical perspective. Our hope is that it will equip Christians to better understand how dangerous vaccines really are, and to approach the situation from a biblical worldview.
"The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him." (Proverbs 18:17)
Many see those who oppose vaccines as a bunch of fanatical, non-scientific conspiracists, who are opposed to "progress" and are merely reactionary. What many of these same people may not be aware of, however, is the large number of doctors who have opposed vaccines throughout the history of vaccines.
This ignorance is understandable, however, given that the voice of highly credentialed vaccine critics is regularly suppressed. According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries,
Historically it has been commonplace, since the times of the deadly smallpox vaccines — to discourage or silence scholarly, thoughtful and cautious opposition to mass vaccination policies. This is politics, plain and simple, in the environment of cronyism and corporatism that has invaded the supposed health-care industry.
The opinions of learned anti-vaccinationist doctors are not permitted on CNN, Fox News, or in mainstream literature. Probably because if they were broadcast on such media outlets, the unsuspecting public would do an about-face. Instead, the publicity that mainstream media concedes, often involves a parent who is opposed to vaccination, after a child becomes vaccine-injured, matched up with a celebrity talking-head doctor.[1]To whatever degree any particular media outlet may allow for a more equal presentation of both points of view, Humphries' point is nevertheless well taken: our institutions are really not interested in giving a hearing to the opposition. Rather, the notion that vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary is guarded with religious fervor; and it is as if there are no compelling arguments against vaccines.
No wonder, then, that so many support vaccines — Scripture says that "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him" (Proverbs 18:17). Vaccines seem right because the opposition's voice is minimized or suppressed.
Surely it is not hard for the vaccine industry to suppress its opposition; it is worth billions of dollars a year, and as Scripture notes, "The poor is disliked even by his neighbor, but the rich has many friends" (Proverbs 14:20). Many will naturally seek the favor of the vaccine industry for money, prestige, and/or power.
Indeed, with billions at its disposal, the vaccine industry can easily buy "friends" — including intellectuals who can bury and ostensibly discredit the voice of the opposition by relentlessly producing arguments, literature, and studies "legitimizing" vaccines. Moreover, media organizations and politicians that receive advertising payments or campaign contributions from pharmaceutical companies have a financial disincentive to oppose vaccines; any perceived opposition could sever the lucrative relationship.
Nevertheless, there is not only substantial opposition to vaccines by parents (whom, by the way, are in the best position to observe the dangers of vaccines, and have the best incentives to consider vaccine risks), but by many doctors and other learned individuals (many of whom provide very compelling arguments against vaccines).
And such opposition is not a new phenomenon — this has been the case throughout vaccine history. As Nadav Davidovitch writes in the scholarly work The Politics of Healing,
[O]pposition to vaccination is part of a long-standing tradition. Attempts to reduce opposition to an "irrational phenomenon" limited to fringe groups in the unconventional medical community is both shallow and problematic. Opposition to vaccination has many sources ... [2]We here include a sampling of dissenting voices, which should more than suffice to drive the point home that vaccines do not — and have never — enjoyed support to the degree as many might think, even in the medical community itself.
While the dangers of vaccines are somewhat discussed here, we plan to cover this topic more thoroughly in a future post.
Note: The following people cited are from various countries, but are especially from America and England.
Disclaimer: a statement by any given person here is not an endorsement of that person's religious views. We do not, for example, endorse the Hinduism of Gandhi; the spiritualism of James Martin Peebles; or the evolutionary views of Alfred Russel Wallace and Herbert Spencer. However, we need not dismiss everything that someone has said because his religious views are false; and besides, Christians who are pro-vaccination likewise do not necessarily dismiss the testimony of non-Christian intellectuals who support vaccines.
Condemnations of Vaccines in Earlier Vaccine History
Dr. George Starr White on Charles Creighton, M.A., M.D. (1847-1927) (a scholar, historian and epidemiologist) going from being pro-vaccinationist to an anti-vaccinationist:
Dr. Charles Creighton, a recognized authority in epidemiology, and then orthodox on vaccination, was selected by the publishers of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, to write the article on Vaccination. He made an original and exhaustive inquiry into the subject with the result of its making him an uncompromising anti-vaccinationist. Being in doubt whether the article he found himself forst [forced?] to write would be acceptable, he put the question to the editor, saying what he had found was contrary to accepted medical opinion. But he was informed that what the Britannica wanted was facts, and they trusted him to present them.
The fifteen columns of this article are packed with irrefutable proofs of the fallacy of vaccination.George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1032. We have modernized the spelling. [Read the encyclopedia article here]
Dr. Charles Creighton on anti-vaccinists refuting the vaccine superstition:
The anti-vaccinists are those who have found some motive for scrutinizing the evidence, generally the very human motive of vaccinal injuries or fatalities in their own families or in those of their neighbours. Whatever their motive, they have scrutinized the evidence to some purpose; they have mastered nearly the whole case; they have knocked the bottom out of a grotesque superstition. The public at large cannot believe that a great profession should have been so perseveringly in the wrong.Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1889), 352, 353.
Dr. Charles Creighton on the medical profession coming under the enchantment of the vaccine delusion:
The task which I set before me when I began this book was to explain to myself how the medical profession in various countries could have come to fall under the enchantment of an illusion. I believe that they were misled most of all by the name of "smallpox of the cow," under which the new protective was first brought to their notice. For that grand initial error, blameworthy in its inception, and still more so in the furtive manner of its publication, the sole responsibility rests with Jenner.
Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History (London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1889), 353.
Dr. George Starr White on Prof. Edgar M. Crookshank (1858-1928), bacteriologist of King's College, showing vaccination to be uncertain, unscientific, and dangerous:
The publication of Dr. Creighton's [encyclopedia] article caused Prof. Edgar M. Crookshank, bacteriologist of King's College, to make an independent study of vaccination on the scientific side, to see whether Dr. Creighton's conclusions (which had been based on statistics) could not be assailed on that side. The result was the two ponderous volumes, “The History and Pathology of Vaccination,” in which he shows the practice to be uncertain, unscientific and dangerous.George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1032, 1033. We have modernized the spelling.
Prof. Edgar M. Crookshank on isolation, not vaccination, being instrumental in containing disease outbreaks:
I maintain that where isolation and vaccination have been carried out in the face of an epidemic it is isolation which has been instrumental, in staying the outbreak, though vaccination has received the credit. Unfortunately a belief in the efficacy of vaccination has been so enforst [enforced?] in the education of the medical practitioner that it is hardly probable that the futility of the practice will be generally acknowledged in our generation, though nothing would more redound to the credit of the profession and give evidence of the advance made in pathology and sanitary science.
Cited in George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1032, 1033. We have modernized the spelling.
Dr. George Starr White on Professor Alfred Russel Wallace's (1823-1913) on working to end "cruel and pernicious vaccination laws," and disgust with the Royal Commission's inability to understand vaccine efficacy:
The published conclusions of Creighton and Crookshank aroused the curiosity of a third distinguished man of science in England. Professor Alfred Russel Wallace, in his autobiography, relates how a friend had repeatedly urged him to go into the vaccination question, and how difficult it was for him to believe the medical profession at large could have made the blunder the anti-vaccinationists alleged. The defection of the two medical lights mentioned appears to have turned the scale, and Professor Wallace entered upon an independent study of the subject. The result was another convert. Professor Wallace was then moved to prepare an essay on the subject "for the purpose of influencing Parliament and securing the speedy abolition of the unjust, cruel and pernicious vaccination laws." It appeared as Chapter XVIII of “The Wonderful Century,” and has also been published by itself with the title "Vaccination a Delusion; Its Penal Enforcement a Crime."
He proves his case from the evidence presented before the Royal Commission and embodied in its Reports, and expresses his disgust with a commission unable to understand the evidence laid before it in the following words:
"A commission or committee of inquiry into this momentous question should have consisted wholly or almost of statisticians, who would hear medical as well as official and independent evidence, would have all existing official statistics at their command, and would be able to tell us, with some show of authority, exactly what the figures and what they only rendered probable on one side and on the other. But instead of a body of experts, the Royal Commission, which for more than six years was occupied in hearing evidence and cross-examining witnesses, consisted wholly of medical men, lawyers, politicians, and country gentlemen, none of whom were trained statisticians, while the majority came to the inquiry more or less prejudiced in favor of vaccination. The Report of such a body can have but little value, and I hope to satisfy my readers that it (the Majority Report) is not in accordance with the facts; that the reporters have lost themselves in the mazes of unimportant details; and that they have fallen into some of the pitfalls which encumber the path of those who, without adequate knowledge or training, attempt to deal with great masses of figures."
Cited in George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1033, 1034. We have modernized the spelling.
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After conducting an independent study of vaccination on the scientific side, bacteriologist Edgar M. Crookshank found the practice to be uncertain, unscientific, and dangerous. |
I feel sure the time is not far distant when this will be held to be one of the most important and most truly scientific of my works. * * * The great difficulty is to get it read. The subject is extremely unpopular; yet as presented by Mr. William White in his ‘Story of a Great Delusion, it is seen to be at once a comedy and a tragedy. [Referring in his autobiography to his essay, "Vaccination a Delusion"]
Cited in George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1034. We have modernized the spelling.
Dr. George Starr White on opposition to vaccines in America, and "the consensus of medical opinion":
Dr. J. H. Tilden of Denver, editor of the "Philosophy of Health" and author of many medical works for popular instruction; Dr. Elmer Lee, editor of "Health Culture" magazine; Dr. Charles E. Page of Boston, author of a work on Consumption and another on the Care of Infants; Dr. Alexander Wilder, Professor of Physiology U. S. Medical College, N. Y.; Dr. Felix Oswald, author, medical writer and traveler; Dr. M. R. Leverson, who has a work on Vaccination Pathology in course of preparation; Dr. Zachary T. Miller of Pittsburgh, Pa., whose new "Declaration of Emancipation," appears at the close of this lecture; and hundreds of other American physicians, have declared themselves opposed to vaccination; forced thereto by conviction, against their education, their preconceived opinions and their natural inclination not to oppose received opinion. If the captious critic finds no names here which are to his mind of sufficient eminence, let him set against that objection the fact that the orthodox medical man loves his orthodoxy, with its fruits of soft-ease, good-fellowship and possible fame, above all else. Let him remember that these here named and all who have dared to become conspicuous in opposing vaccination, loved truth above all else, and thereby knowingly forfeited all chance of ever joining that galaxy of shining ones whom the "American Medical Trust" delights to make the world honor and hold in reverence. Here is enough to make a thoughtful man think at least twice before he offers "the consensus of medical opinion" as an argument for faith in vaccination.
Cited in George Starr White, A Lecture Course to Physicians on Natural Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment: Aids to Human Helpers (Los Angeles, CA: George Star White, M.D., 1918), 1035, 1036. We have modernized the spelling.
Dr. John Henry Tilden (1851-1940) on the role of sanitation, not vaccines, in eliminating smallpox:
Dr. John Henry Tilden (1851-1940) on the role of sanitation, not vaccines, in eliminating smallpox:
There is no question but that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease, and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination; but if we could drop back to the aboriginal condition and do away with sanitation generally, smallpox would return with all its virulence.J. H. Tilden, Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease: Volume Two (Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden, 1921), 17.
Dr. John Henry Tilden on smallpox vaccines as in ingrained superstition, and the need for the people to oppose it:
Vaccination against smallpox is perhaps one of the most thoroughly ingrained superstitions of the age. Today there does not appear to be any prospect of its growing less popular. There are a great many people who think they are opposed to it; indeed, there are perhaps ten million people in the United States who really think they are opposed to vaccination; but they only think they are. If they were really opposed to it, they would rise up in their might and prevent the outrages that are being practiced in every community in this land in the name of vaccination.J. H. Tilden, Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease: Volume Two (Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden, 1921), 21.
Those who would like a sane analysis of the influence of vaccination on the human body should read Herbert Spencer and Wallace's book of the century. Mr. Wallace has gone into this matter extensively, and his analysis of statistics is convincing. Those who have had no opportunity of knowing anything except on the side of those who favor vaccination would do well to investigate the opinion of these two eminent men.J. H. Tilden, Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease: Volume Two (Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden, 1921), 22.
Now the question is: Does vaccination protect against smallpox? What everybody says must be true—— this is the argument. And, of course, what everybody says is true will be delivered in statistical form to agree; hence the statistics on the subject are all in favor of vaccination. But it should not be forgotten that the time was when this world was flat, so far as the opinion of the masses, or everybody, was concerned. There was one man who stood out against it, and he was compelled to recant or die; yet, in spite of the fact that he was compelled to recant, the world proved to be round —and now the masses all believe it. The time will arrive when the people will become so educated and enlightened on the subject of disease, its cause, etc., that this opinion—this vaccination superstition—that everybody now believes, will have passed and everybody will believe the opposite. it is doomed—it is a fallacy and must die. This may sound strange to those who have faith in modern medical science ...J. H. Tilden, Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure: A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease: Volume Two (Denver, CO: J. H. Tilden, 1921), 22, 23.
Dr. William Howard Hay (1866-1940), surgeon, author, lecturer, and founder of The East Aurora Sun and Diet Sanatorium, on smallpox vaccines being nonsense:
It is nonsense to think you can inject pus-and it is usually from the pustule of the dead smallpox victim; that is the basis of it; we used to think it was from cowpox, but the manufacturers deny that and say the most reliable form originates in the pustule of someone who had died from smallpox-it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health.
Dr. William Howard Hay, Address to The Medical Freedom Society (June 25, 1937). Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
It is now 30 years since I have been confining myself to the treatment of chronic diseases. During those 30 years I have run against so many histories of little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn't put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren't strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were vaccinated. They have never been well since.Dr. William Howard Hay, Address to The Medical Freedom Society (June 25, 1937). Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
Dr. William Howard Hay on vaccines producing derelicts:
And if you have been dealing, as I have, with the derelicts from all over the world for 30 years, you would find an almost fatal relationship between this history of vaccination and some failing that follows this for many years that has kept a person from being as well as he should have been.Dr. William Howard Hay, Address to The Medical Freedom Society (June 25, 1937). Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
Dr. William Howard Hay on the insane reasoning for smallpox vaccinations:
I have thought many times of all the insane things that we have advocated in medicine, that is one of the most insane- to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox, when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox. Naturally not. When you have protected anybody, as we denote protection in medicine, you have at the same time destroyed your evidence. If that man doesn't take the disease against which he is supposed to be protected, how can you ever know he would have taken it if he hadn't been protected? We have destroyed the evidence.Dr. William Howard Hay, Address to The Medical Freedom Society (June 25, 1937). Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
Herbert M. Shelton, N. D. (1895-1985), on the circular reasoning of vaccine success:
You are vaccinated and have smallpox. The vaccine was of "insufficient potency," although this was discovered too late—that is, after you have the smallpox. You are vaccinated and do not develop smallpox—it is assumed that the vaccine was potent. It is like the old test for mushrooms—eat them and live they are mushrooms; eat them and die, they are toad stools.Herbert Shelton, Vaccines and Serum Evils (c1940's). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Herbert M. Shelton on vaccines protecting people from smallpox by killing them:
I would not go so far as to say that vaccination has never saved a single person from smallpox. It is a matter of record that thousands of the victims of this superstitious rite have been saved by the immunizing potency of death.Herbert Shelton, Vaccines and Serum Evils (c1940's). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Vaccinia is an acute infectious disease caused by vaccination. Vaccination is the inoculation of child or adult, well or sick, with septic matter (pus) derived from suppurating (festering) sores on the abdomen of a previously infected cow. I think this definition is incomplete in an important respect—I should have said that it is a criminal operation.Herbert Shelton, Vaccines and Serum Evils (c1940's). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
In 1926, 130 members of the Dallas (Tex.) Chamber of Commerce cancelled their trip to Mexico because vaccination was required as a precedent to entrance. Nearly a 100 medical men, at a conference in Dallas, went to Mexico, after they obtained permission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over before you submit your child to this evil and superstitious rite.Herbert Shelton, Vaccines and Serum Evils (c1940's). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
James Martin Peebles, M.D., M.A., P.H.D. (1822-1922) on vaccines as a threat to health and liberty:
The vaccination practice, pushed to the front on all occasions by the medical profession, and through political connivance made compulsory by the state, has not only become the chief menace and gravest danger to the health of the rising generation, but likewise the crowning outrage upon the personal liberty of the American citizen.James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 5.
Dr. James Martin Peebles on the need for the public to understand the dangers of vaccines:
The general public are not aware; the householders of the land have not given this subject that attention which, as parents and guardians of little children, it is their solemn duty to do. I send forth this book to open their eyes, to rouse their conscience, and to discover to them a cruel and insidious enemy where they have been cajoled into the belief they have a friend.
James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 5.
Dr. James Martin Peebles on smallpox vaccine supporters being either ignorant or dishonest:
Time, at my age, is too precious to parry words with mere ordinary physicians; hence, will only add that when laymen or medical practitioners tell me that calf-lymph vaccination, however manipulated, prevents or modifies the small-pox, they most severely, painfully, try my patience. I do not tell them they are falsifiers, but do state emphatically that if I should say that cowpox vaccination invariably prevented or modified small-pox I should consider myself either a most pitiable ignoramus or a most infamous falsifier of facts! Such is my position, and medical men, considering it, can pose upon just which horn of this dilemma—this downy couch—they find most comfortable.James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 8.
Dr. James Martin Peebles on the need for scholars and independent physicians to oppose compulsory vaccination:
The time has come for scholarly men, for cultured, independent physicians to speak out plainly against this baleful scourge—to take a brave stand for the right and defend it though the bigot's fire be kindled, or the crimson cross again be built.
Compulsory vaccination and class legislation of all kinds in the interests of any profession, are ... smitten with dry rot and stamped with the black seal of death. They are going graveward, and fee-hungering physicians are the principal mourners.James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 8, 9.
Dr. John Pickering, F. R. G. S., F. S.S., F. S. A., etc., on eradicating smallpox by rejecting vaccines:
Wherever you have no vaccination you have the best health. The moment you give up vaccination you do away with small-pox; it will die out.Cited in James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 300.
Dr. James Martin Peebles on a one Dr. A. Wilder, holding that vaccines harm the body and make one more susceptible to diseases:
The erudite Dr. A. Wilder, of New York, physician and author, assures us that if vaccination has any influence, it is that of changing the body from a natural and normal condition to an unnatural and diseased one; in which case, repeated vaccinating can be but an endeavor to make this unnatural and diseased condition permanent. The individual is thus rendered sickly, and placed in a state of chronic aptitude to contract other diseases.Cited in James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 303.
Congressman A. B. Gaston from Meadsville, Pa., on compulsory vaccines enriching doctors and harming their victims:
Americans unfortunately have some of the most tyrannical laws that could possibly disgrace any statute books. Among the numerous vicious laws of my own state, I may name, the compulsory vaccination law, as it is at present being enforced in my own city, a benefit to physicians, and hundreds of filthy poisonings for the victims. This vaccination fad carries a thousand dollars into the pockets of the doctors, and two thousand bits of health-destroying virus into the systems of our children, to vitiate and curse their rich young blood.Cited in James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 304.
Congressman A. B. Gaston on preventing contagious diseases without vaccines:
Every intelligent reader knows that the best preventive of small-pox, or of any contagious disease rests, in sanitary regulations, in personal and municipal cleanliness, by fortifying the system with pure air, pure food, pure drink, pure habits of thought and of living, and entire abstinence from excesses and over indulgence in all directions.Cited in James Martin Peebles, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty: With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Los Angeles, CA: Peebles Publishing Company, 1913), 304.
Dr. John W. Hodge on vaccines causing a greater susceptibility to diseases:
Dr. John W. Hodge on compulsory vaccinations as medical despotism:
Dr. John W. Hodge on vaccines promoting a disregard for hygiene and sanitation, resulting in promotion of diseases:
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), human rights advocate, on the ineffectiveness of vaccines:
Mahatma Gandhi on vaccination as a barbarous practice, and a fatal delusion:
Mahatma Gandhi on the difficulty of proving that vaccines are effective:
Mahatma Gandhi on England's Anti-Vaccination Society:
Mahatma Gandhi on a non-vaccinated town being free from disease:
Mahatma Gandhi on pro- and anti-vaccine doctors:
Giles on differences of opinion on vaccine efficacy:
Francis W. Newman, Emeritus Professor, Oxford University, on arrogant pro-vaccine doctors:
Professor Kranichfield of Berlin on resisting forced vaccines:
Professor Alexander Wilder, M.D., editor of the New York Medical Tribune on the suppression of arguments by pro-vaccine advocates:
Carl Spinzig, M.D. on smallpox vaccines as vanity and criminal:
Dr. R. K. Noyes, resident surgeon to Boston City Hospital, on vaccines as an evil delusion:
Professor Robert E. Gunn, M.D., Dean of the United States Medical College in New York, on vaccines being unscientific and dangerous:
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on coming to oppose vaccines after careful study:
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on vaccine-failures producing ongoing changes in vaccine standards:
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on the failure of the methods of vaccine inventor Edward Jenner:
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on statistics at odds with the idea of vaccine-efficacy:
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on smallpox prevailing, despite repeated vaccinations:
Dr. Collins testifying to vaccines as useless and evil (for a committee of the British House of Commons in 1871):
Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson testifies to the unthinking and fallacious promotion of vaccines (for a committee of the British House of Commons in 1871):
Dr. Wm. Collins on having no faith in vaccines, which promote the slaughter of the innocent:
Dr. Joseph Herman, principal physician at the Imperial Hospital, Vienna, from 1858 to 1864, on vaccination as the greatest delusion in the science of medicine:
Dr. C. T. Pearce, London, on vaccines increasing likelihood of death and catching smallpox:
Sir James Y. Simpson, M.D., Edinburg, on the impossibility of vaccines exterminating smallpox:
Dr. Simon, medical officer to the Privy Council, England, on the failures of smallpox vaccines:
Dr. Caron, Paris, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and Government Physician to Paris Prisons, on the absolute failure of smallpox vaccines:
The Lancet (London), January 21, 1871, on smallpox vaccine spreading smallpox:
Dr. Charles John Bricknell, Banbury, England, on vaccination being unscientific, and the need to criminalize it:
Dr. J. Shorthouse, Croydon, England, on vaccinations and quackery:
Dr. Stramm, Medical Staff Officer, Prussian Army, on vaccines not helping him:
Dr. Ceely, Aylesbury, England, on the impossibility of vaccines annihilating smallpox:
Dr. Copeland on widespread doubt in medical profession on the advantages of vaccines:
Dr. Felix Von Niemeyer on vaccinations causing injuries and death:
Prof. Francis W. Newman, of London University, on vaccines being useless and dangerous:
P. A. Taylor, M.P., England, on vaccines as a ridiculous delusion:
Adolph Count Bedtwitz, of Austria, on vaccination as a stupid superstition, and on not consenting to forced vaccines:
Alexander von Humboldt, on the dangers of vaccines as observed in England, France, and Germany:
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), biologist, comparing Catholicism with pro-vaccine tyranny:
Dr. Furber, of Topeka, Kansas, on vaccines as humbug, mandatory vaccines as criminal:
Dr. Walter R. Hadwen, J.P., M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Etc. (Gold Medalist in Medicine and in Surgery) (1854-1932), pharmaceutical chemist, on vaccination as more than a medical question, and as a mere superstitious creed:
The 1885 vaccine protest in Leicester, England:
The 1904 Vaccine Revolt in Brazil:
Marcos Palatnik, "Science and Society," in M.G.K. Menon et al., Human Genome Research: Emerging Ethical, Legal, Social, and Economic Issues (New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1999), 180.
Opposition to Vaccines in More Recent History
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Michigan (where he studied vaccines), is a chief science officer of a biotechnology corporation, has served as the Scientific Director of the Chronic Illness Research Foundation, and has specialized in investigating vaccines and how they are made.
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz testifying to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight on the need to reconsider the conventional wisdom in the use of vaccines:
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz on the need to protect the public from vaccine-related diseases and the politics of science:
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz on the entire federal health establishment violating medical ethics regarding vaccines:
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D., immunologist (research dissertation focus on immunologic memory), on vaccines inhibiting us from understanding naturally acquired immunity:
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych on the ignorance of naturally acquired immunity, and vaccines being neither safe nor effective:
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych on vaccines not engaging the genuine mechanism of immunity:
Dr. W. John Martin on the lack of Public Health concern for vaccines that could include stealth viruses:
Dr. W. John Martin on barriers to vaccine safety, and the ignorance of the FDA and health care professionals:
Dr Suzanne Humphries on doctors not being adequately taught vaccine history, and the decline of diseases without vaccines:
Robert D. Johnston, Ph.D., Medical & Political Historian, University of Illinois, on how opposition to smallpox vaccines by independently-minded scientists became the common wisdom:
Dr. Shiv Chopra, scientist, MSc and Ph.D. (Microbiology), who received several academic awards (e.g., a Fellowship of the World Health Organization), on the dangers of the vaccine procedure:
Dr. Shiv Chopra on vaccine failures and dangers:
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn (1926-1988) served as chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois and associate professor of Preventative Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on the lack of scientific evidence for vaccines eliminating childhood disease:
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on the parents not being warned of vaccine risks
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on short-term vaccine hazards, and no structured effort to determine long-term vaccine hazards:
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on vaccines and the increase in autoimmune diseases
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on vaccines causing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Jennifer Craig, PhD, MA, BSN (doctorate in medical education), on the refusal to research vaccine-caused diseases:
Dr. Jennifer Craig on the medical system's indifference to vaccine dangers:
Dr. Jennifer Craig on learning from the mistakes of the past:
Paul G. King, PhD Analytical Chemist (a scientist who has intensively studied vaccines), on propaganda for unsafe commercial interests (in an article critiquing vaccines):
Dr. Paul G. King on the suppression of knowledge about vaccine dangers:
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, former gastrointestinal surgeon, scientist, and medical researcher, on vaccine promoters living in denial and sacrificing children in the process:
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on vaccines as a belief system that is not based on scientific facts:
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the lack of vaccine safety studies, and vaccines being promoted for commercial interests, instead of the interests of the public:
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., C.C.N., neurosurgeon, author and lecturer, on fraudulent vaccine safety studies:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the media's conflict of interest about vaccines:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the general public not knowing that some of the world's most prestigious researchers question vaccines:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on questioning vaccine safety as a career killer:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the vaccine epidemic:
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the fraudulent vaccine program:
Scientists Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Ph. D. (Biochemistry), who has researched and taught biochemistry, molecular genetics and biophysics, and Professor Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of genetics at the University of Western Ontario, on the dangers of vaccines:
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Professor Joe Cummins on flu shots being ineffective and dangerous:
Gary Null, Ph.D., on history refuting the notion that vaccines are safe and effective:
Dr Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist (Retired), vaccine researcher, on vaccines not immunizing, but de-immunizing:
Dr Viera Scheibner on vaccines as non-science, and being unsafe and ineffective:
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin, MSc and a PhD (health science and human ecology) who served as Director of the Office for National Health Development NIB, on mainstream scientists beginning to question understandings of vaccine-generated immunity:
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin on a minority of qualified scientists questioning the safety of mass immunization:
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin on vaccine efficacy as an imaginative belief:
Boyd E. Haley, Ph.D. in Chemistry/Biochemistry, Professor, Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, has frequently testified about mercury toxicity from vaccines before government agencies.
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on the lack of training doctors have in toxicology (a crucial matter for scientifically understanding the effects of vaccines):
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on diseases disappearing without vaccines:
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on vaccines and high infant death rates:
Statements by the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) (which includes important doctors in its Board of Directors), on vaccine efficacy:
Statements by the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) on the fallacious method of drug companies measuring vaccine effectiveness:
[1] Suzanne Humphries, Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” Of Polio (International Medical Council on Vaccination, November 17, 2011). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from
[2] Nadav Davidovitch, "Negotiating Dissent: Homeopathy and Anti-Vaccinationism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century," in Robert D. Johnston, ed., The Politics of Healing: Histories of Alternative Medicine in Twentieth-Century North America (New York, NY: Routledge, 2004), 27.
photo credits:
Image of smallpox on arm
"Left arm showing smallpox (left) and cowpox inoculation on day 8. Two of a series of 30 comparative water colours of smallpox and cowpox inoculation." Watercolour 1802 by George Kirtland
That vaccination is not only useless, but positively injurious; That instead of protecting its subjects from the contagion of smallpox, it actually renders them more susceptible to it by depressing the vital powers and diminishing natural resistance.John W. Hodge, The Vaccination Superstition: Prophylaxis to be Realized Through the Attainment of Health, Not by the Propagation of Disease; Can Vaccination Produce Syphilis? (Niagara Falls, NY: 1902) (Read before the Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society In Buffalo April 11, 1902), 44.
Dr. John W. Hodge on compulsory vaccinations as medical despotism:
[A] bold attempt has recently been made by a representative of the self-styled "regular" profession to place upon our statute books a compulsory vaccination measure, the provisions of which mark a height of brazen effrontery which medical despotism has never before reached in the Empire State ...John W. Hodge, The Vaccination Superstition: Prophylaxis to be Realized Through the Attainment of Health, Not by the Propagation of Disease; Can Vaccination Produce Syphilis? (Niagara Falls, NY: 1902) (Read before the Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society In Buffalo April 11, 1902), 11.
Dr. John W. Hodge on vaccines promoting a disregard for hygiene and sanitation, resulting in promotion of diseases:
The ancient theory which ignores the laws of hygiene and sanitation by teaching the absurd doctrine that the propagation of the contagion of disease by ingrafting it into the bodies of healthy people can be advantageous to the well-being of a community, should find no favor with the sanitary rationalist of the twentieth century and, in my humble opinion, deserves the open condemnation of every scientific physician.
Belief in this curious dogma has tended to foster a disregard for cleanliness. By leading people to overlook the real cause and to neglect the true preventive of smallpox, it has done much to obstruct the progress of truth and to retard the evolution of hygiene and sanitary science.
Instead of having been instructed by their family physician to observe the laws of health and to avoid the causes of disease, people have on the contrary been taught, for a century, to rely upon a fetich for immunity from a filth-disease.
The only measure which has been found competent to cope with smallpox and other zymotic diseases is cleanliness. As people learn to keep their dwelling apartments clean and well ventilated, their streets and alleys free from the accumulation of filth, their water supply pure, their food free from injurious adulteration, their bodies free from the accumulation of effete tissue, by taking plenty of exercise in the open air, they rise superior to the thraldom of zymotic disorders.John W. Hodge, The Vaccination Superstition: Prophylaxis to be Realized Through the Attainment of Health, Not by the Propagation of Disease; Can Vaccination Produce Syphilis? (Niagara Falls, NY: 1902) (Read before the Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society In Buffalo April 11, 1902), 32, 33.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), human rights advocate, on the ineffectiveness of vaccines:
The original theory was that a single vaccination would suffice to keep a man immune from this disease for life; but, when it was found that even vaccinated persons were attacked by the disease, a new theory came into being that the vaccination should be renewed after a certain period, and to-day it has become the rule for all persons—whether already vaccinated or not—to get themselves vaccinated whenever small-pox rages as an epidemic in any locality, so that it is no uncommon thing to come across people who have been vaccinated five or six times, or even more.Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 105, 106.
Mahatma Gandhi on vaccination as a barbarous practice, and a fatal delusion:
Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world. Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it with the aid of penal laws and rigorous punishments on all people alike.Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 106.
Mahatma Gandhi on the difficulty of proving that vaccines are effective:
The practice of vaccination is not very old, dating as it does only from 1798 A.D. But, during this comparatively short period that has elapsed, millions have fallen a prey to the delusion that those who get themselves vaccinated are safe from the attack of small-pox. No one can say that small-pox will necessarily attack those who have not been vaccinated; for many cases have been observed of unvaccinated people being free from its attack. From the fact that some people who are not vaccinated do get the disease, we cannot, of course, conclude that they would have been immune if only they had got themselves vaccinated.Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 106. 107.
Mahatma Gandhi on England's Anti-Vaccination Society:
Several of the most thoughtful men in England have laboriously investigated the manifold evils of vaccination, and an Anti-Vaccination Society has also been formed there. The members of this society have declared open war against vaccination, and many have even gone to gaol for this cause.Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 108.
Mahatma Gandhi on a non-vaccinated town being free from disease:
In a certain town ... a large proportion of the people refuse to be vaccinated, and yet statistics prove that they are singularly free from disease.Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 109.
Mahatma Gandhi on pro- and anti-vaccine doctors:
The fact of the matter is that it is only the self-interest of doctors that stands in the way of the abolition of this inhuman practice, for the fear of losing the large incomes that they at present derive from this source blinds them to the countless evils which it brings. There are, however, a few doctors who recognise these evils, and who are determined opponents of vaccination.
Mahatma Gandhi, A Guide to Health, trans. A. Rama Iyer (Triplicane, Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1921), 109, 110.
Vaccine critic Alfred E. Giles on losing his confidence in vaccines:In my younger days I believed in the efficacy of vaccination; I had been told by respected friends and physicians that it was useful; and I had not heard it questioned; but subsequent experiences and wider observations have destroyed my confidence in it.Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 2.
Giles on differences of opinion on vaccine efficacy:
The medical profession have never been agreed as to the efficacy of vaccination. Some doctors and some people believe that vaccination prevents small-pox; and other doctors and other people, equally intelligent, that it, like other unwholesome conditions of life, tends to produce small-pox and many other diseases.Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 7.
Francis W. Newman, Emeritus Professor, Oxford University, on arrogant pro-vaccine doctors:
The doctors who advise vaccination have no right to be listened to with deference; for they have been guilty of monstrous and deadly blunders. A quarter of a century back they rebuked and scoffed at those--some of the graduates in medicine--who informed them that vaccination may propagate, and has propagated, any or every disease that is in the blood. To the last minute they hardened themselves against conviction, and when unable any longer to deny it, they showed no humility, no confession of error, no abashment.Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 5.
Professor Kranichfield of Berlin on resisting forced vaccines:
I too have vaccinated my fourteen children at a time when I did not know how injurious it was. To-day I would resist the authorities and the police law.Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 5.
Professor Alexander Wilder, M.D., editor of the New York Medical Tribune on the suppression of arguments by pro-vaccine advocates:
Vaccination is physiologically and morally wrong, and its advocates are inherently conscious of it, or else they would trust to argument and conviction.In a pamphlet titled Vaccination a Medical Fallacy. Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 5.
Carl Spinzig, M.D. on smallpox vaccines as vanity and criminal:
Now, in conclusion, in view of the pathochemical action of variola, and the danger and utter futility of vaccination above abundantly set forth, must not, then, its claimed "protection" against small-pox be regarded as vanity, and its continued practice a crime?In "Failure of Vaccination," which Giles refers to as a "very scientific and elaborate article in the St. Louis Clinical Record." Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 5.
Dr. R. K. Noyes, resident surgeon to Boston City Hospital, on vaccines as an evil delusion:
I believe vaccination has been the greatest universal delusion that has ensnared mankind within the last three centuries. It originated in fraud, ignorance and error. It is absurdly unscientific and impracticable. It has been promotive of very great evil, and I cannot accredit to it any good.Cited in Alfred E. Giles, The Iniquity of Compulsory Vaccination, and the Unconstitutionality of its Statutes (Hyde Park, MA: Press of the Norfolk County Gazette, 1881), 5.
Professor Robert E. Gunn, M.D., Dean of the United States Medical College in New York, on vaccines being unscientific and dangerous:
All fallacies classified as science must crumble before investigation. Such has been the fate of all the pretentious theories of earlier medicine, and such is the predestined end of the delusive hypotheses upon which are based many of the medical dogmas of to-day.
Of these dogmas I believe the practice known as vaccination to be most absurd, and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been protected from small-pox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and even deaths have resulted from its employment.Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 1.
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"Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all delusions current in our time, not be found even among the so-called savage races of the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi |
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on coming to oppose vaccines after careful study:
Although I had often seen bad results following vaccination, like the majority of the profession, I never questioned the authority of the books regarding its prophylactic power against small-pox till my attention was specially directed to the subject, in 1872. A severe epidemic of small-pox prevailed in New York, during that year, notwithstanding the fact that the health authorities had claimed the year previous, that the city was thoroughly protected by vaccination. The various medical societies appointed committees to inquire into the causes of the epidemic and why vaccination had failed to prevent it. I was appointed a member of such a committee from a medical society to which I belonged, and then, for the first time, I began a careful study of the subject of vaccination. I commenced with Jenner's own writings and carefully followed the history of the subject as prepared by himself and his disciples, and before I got through I was forced to the conclusion that vaccination was the most stupendous fallacy that had ever been fostered by the medical profession. Since then, facts and figures have accumulated, in my hands, to such an extent as to compel me to abandon the practice of vaccination and to come out squarely in opposition to it.Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 1, 2.
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on vaccine-failures producing ongoing changes in vaccine standards:
At first, all agreed with Jenner, that one vaccination protected a person for life, against small-pox; this, however, was soon found to be untrue. Then, one thorough vaccination in infancy and one after puberty, were deemed necessary. This also proved a delusion. Its advocates next advised the practice to be repeated at maturity. Then it was thought necessary that it should be repeated every seven years; and now, to insure perfect immunity, it is claimed, that every one should be vaccinated every two or three years.
This is the position occupied by most of the profession at the present day, although even here there is a marked difference of opinion among the so-called best authorities.Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 8.
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on the failure of the methods of vaccine inventor Edward Jenner:
Whatever way we look at the question, it is certain that none of the methods now employed correspond with the discovery of Jenner; and the time is not far distant, when all will be rejected.Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 9.
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on statistics at odds with the idea of vaccine-efficacy:
The statistics above quoted are at variance with many of those presented by the advocates of vaccination, who have persistently kept up a system of falsification and misrepresentation, to bolster up their crumbling fallacy. (Read Gunn's stats here, pp. 12-14)Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 15.
Dr. Robert E. Gunn on smallpox prevailing, despite repeated vaccinations:
In New York and Brooklyn, repeated endeavors have been made to stamp out small-pox by thorough and systematic vaccination. It has been made compulsory in our schools, and during the past ten years, re-vaccination has been demanded, or in its place a certificate from a physician that re-vaccination was unnecessary. Vaccinators have gone from house to house, to vaccinate old and young, and it is claimed by the Health Board of New York, that they have vaccinated 800,000 persons during the past eight years. The profession generally have enjoined the people to have recourse to repeated re-vaccination, and with 3,000 physicians in private practice in New York, it is certain that the entire population, with very few exceptions have been vaccinated from one to six times. Yet small-pox prevails, and this protected people are as much in dread of the disease as if they had never been vaccinated.
For the past ten years I have rarely met persons marked with small-pox, without asking them if they had been vaccinated; and in almost every case I received an answer in the affirmative, while many knew of a number of cases of deaths from small-pox, among friends who had been vaccinated and re-vaccinated. During the past year I have known of several cases of small-pox in persons who had been re-vaccinated and pronounced thoroughly protected by the public vaccinators, notwithstanding the declaration of Dr. Taylor, the chief of the Vaccination Bureau, that "Vaccination is an absolute protective against variola.''Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 17.
Dr. Collins testifying to vaccines as useless and evil (for a committee of the British House of Commons in 1871):
After twenty years experience as a vaccinator, during six or seven small-pox epidemics, I have ceased to vaccinate ten or twelve years; and gave up at least £500 sterling a years by so doing. I consider vaccination not only useless, but an evil. Have often seen children with syphilitic eruptions, after vaccination, whose parents were free from any taint. Have seen children, hitherto healthy with no trace of struma, after vaccination assume a scrofulous character, with every characteristic of a strumous habit. Erysipelas and phlegmanous ulcers are also by no means uncommon after vacccination.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 21.
Dr. J. J. Garth Wilkinson testifies to the unthinking and fallacious promotion of vaccines (for a committee of the British House of Commons in 1871):
I have vaccinated to within the last five years without thinking about it. Vaccination is so entirely secumdem artem, the large majority cannot think about it. We are continually coming upon venerable fallacies; but on this question prestige and interest prevent investigation. Six positive cases are worth 10,000 negatives, which go for nothing.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 23.
l am bound to admit that I have no faith in vaccination, nay, I look upon it with the greatest disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases from one child to another, and it is no protection from small-pox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in the Jennerian epoch for the slaughter of the innocent, and the unthinking portion of the population.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 26, 27.
Dr. Joseph Herman, principal physician at the Imperial Hospital, Vienna, from 1858 to 1864, on vaccination as the greatest delusion in the science of medicine:
My experience of small-pox during those six years of bedside attendance, has given me the right, or rather has imposed on me the duty, of taking part in the bold and spirited onslaught on vaccination which is now being carried on in Switzerland, Germany, England, and other countries. I am convinced that vaccination is the greatest mistake and delusion in the science of medicine; a fanciful illusion in the mind of the discoverer; a phenomenal apparition, devoid of scientific foundation, and wanting in all the conditions of scientific possibility.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 31.
Dr. C. T. Pearce, London, on vaccines increasing likelihood of death and catching smallpox:
That the increased death-rate of children is coeval with the extension of vaccination; that so far from the practice being protective against small-pox, the liability to small-pox in adult life is greater in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 31.
Sir James Y. Simpson, M.D., Edinburg, on the impossibility of vaccines exterminating smallpox:
Small-pox can never be exterminated by vaccination.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 32.
Dr. Simon, medical officer to the Privy Council, England, on the failures of smallpox vaccines:
Small-pox after vaccination, has been a disappointment both to the public and the medical profession.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 32.
Dr. Caron, Paris, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and Government Physician to Paris Prisons, on the absolute failure of smallpox vaccines:
Vaccination, so-called, modifies not one tittle of either the virulence or the consequences of the small-pox. I have long since refused to vaccinate at any price.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 32.
The Lancet (London), January 21, 1871, on smallpox vaccine spreading smallpox:
From the early part of the century, cases of small-pox after vaccination have been increasing and now amount to four-fifths of cases.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 32.
Dr. Charles John Bricknell, Banbury, England, on vaccination being unscientific, and the need to criminalize it:
I shall be ready at any time to state my belief in the inefficacy of vaccination as a preventive of small-pox, and also that the practice of vaccination is contrary to the principles of medical science. I believe it would be a great benefit to mankind if it were rendered penal to vaccinate.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 33.
Dr. J. Shorthouse, Croydon, England, on vaccinations and quackery:
Vaccination is, or is not a preventive. If it be so, it is effective the first time, and does not need to be repeated. To say that it requires repeating at stated periods of five, or seven, or ten years, is arrogant humbug and quackery.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 33.
Dr. Stramm, Medical Staff Officer, Prussian Army, on vaccines not helping him:
I, myself, have been vaccinated, and twice successfully re-vaccinated; and yet, in the exercise of my official medical duties during the late epidemics in Prussia, I have been attacked with small-pox in the most virulent confluent form, and been only saved from worse consequences by a speedy change of climate.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 34.
Dr. Ceely, Aylesbury, England, on the impossibility of vaccines annihilating smallpox:
They would not be able to annihilate small-pox by vaccination, and he defied any one to show he had claimed such a result; from the experience he had had, no such thing could, or ever would happen.Address at Calf Lymph Conference, London, December, 1879. Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 35.
Prof. Manntell, Royal College Surgeon, Leland, on the notion of "imperfect" vaccines used to cover up vaccine failures:
The term imperfect or spurious vaccination is frequently met with in books, and has been the cause of no small degree of confusion in practice, although, at the same time, it has frequently afforded the practitioner an asylum against the storms now and then arising out of failures in the protective power of the vaccine disease.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 35, 36.
Dr. Copeland on widespread doubt in medical profession on the advantages of vaccines:
Just half a century has elapsed since the discovery and introduction of vaccination, and after a quarter of a century of transcendent laudations of this measure, with merely occasional whispering of doubt; and after another quarter of a century of reverberated encomiums FROM WELL PAID 'VACCINATION BOARDS,' raised with a view of overbearing the increasing murmurings of disbelief among those who observe and think for themselves, — the middle of the ninteenth century finds the majority of the profession, in all latitudes and hemispheres, doubtful as to the preponderance of advantages, present and prospective, to be obtained either from inoculation or vaccination.Medical Dictionary, p. 832. Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 36.
Dr. Felix Von Niemeyer on vaccinations causing injuries and death:
It (vaccination) endangers life, and in other cases leaves permanent impairment of health.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 36.
Prof. Francis W. Newman, of London University, on vaccines being useless and dangerous:
Nothing is clearer to any one who will open his eyes than that what is now called vaccination has no effect in lessening small-pox, and has frequent and terrible effect in doing mischief. The doctors who urge vaccination do not believe in it, for they advise re-vaccination.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 36, 37.
P. A. Taylor, M.P., England, on vaccines as a ridiculous delusion:
I have no hesitation in asserting the confident opinion, as the result of much study of the question — historically and statistically — that vaccination is a ridiculous delusion — that there is no evidence that it has the slightest effect as a preventive of small-pox — that indeed the negative evidence is all the other way, while the positive evidence of the mischief it has done is incontrovertible.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 37.
Adolph Count Bedtwitz, of Austria, on vaccination as a stupid superstition, and on not consenting to forced vaccines:
For let medical advocates exhaust themselves as they may in sophisms, it nevertheless remains an eternal truth, that the State has no right to prescribe a medical creed to any man; and no man, with any self-respect, who has once seen through the stupid superstition, the shameless deceit of vaccination, will, without resisting to the uttermost, ever consent to the degradation of allowing the near and dear to him to be subjected to it, or lend a hand to the coercion of others.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 37.
Alexander von Humboldt, on the dangers of vaccines as observed in England, France, and Germany:
I have clearly perceived the progressive dangerous influence of vaccination in England, France and Germany.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 37.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), biologist, comparing Catholicism with pro-vaccine tyranny:
I wish I had known some time since that the vaccination persecution had in any case been carried so far as you describe, as I might have made use of the fact. It would have served farther to enforce the parallel between this medical popery which men think so defensible, and the religious popery which they think so indefensible.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 37.
Dr. Furber, of Topeka, Kansas, on vaccines as humbug, mandatory vaccines as criminal:
There is no necessity to resort to such a loathsome imaginary remedy. Vaccination is a humbug ; enforced vaccination a crime.Cited in Robert E. Gunn, Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (New York: Nickles Publishing Company, 1882), 37.
Dr. Walter R. Hadwen, J.P., M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Etc. (Gold Medalist in Medicine and in Surgery) (1854-1932), pharmaceutical chemist, on vaccination as more than a medical question, and as a mere superstitious creed:
One is constantly told that this is purely a medical question, and that if I want to air it I should discuss it before a medical audience or by letters in the medical papers. Those who say that know what is the treatment medical anti-vaccinists receive in the journals in question. But it is not a purely medical question. It is one of observation, of history and of statistics, and any intelligent layman can understand it as well as a medical man. It is a mere superstitious creed, and needs no professional knowledge to grasp it. And what is more, I can say from what I have learned in experience that intelligent, thoughtful and studious anti-vaccinators know more about this subject than the majority of the medical men of to-day. And, furthermore, I say that the very moment you take a medical prescription and you incorporate it in an Act of Parliament, and you enforce it against the wills and consciences of intelligent people by fines, distraints and imprisonments, it passes beyond the confines of a purely medical question - and becomes essentially a social and political one.Walter Hadwen, The Case Against Vaccination (Verbatim Report of an Address by Walter Hadwen at Goddard's Assembly Rooms) (Gloucester, January 25, 1896). Retrieved May 23, 2015, from
The 1885 vaccine protest in Leicester, England:
At Leicester, which had registered 360 deaths from small-pox in 1872 out of a population of 98,000, an anti-vaccinist demonstration was organised (23rd March, 1885), in which many thousands of the inhabitants joined; the Board of Guardians (whose office it is to carry out the Vaccination Act) was elected from among the most determined opponents of vaccination; and thus it came about that since 1885 Leicester has abandoned vaccination, replacing it by rational precautions calculated to hinder contagion, viz., isolation and disinfection.Carlo Ruata, An Italian Indictment of Vaccination (public address given at the opening of the session of the University of Perugia, November 1898) (London: National Anti-vaccination league, 1901), 12.
The 1904 Vaccine Revolt in Brazil:
In 1904, the battle against plague was declared to be won, and smallpox set in. A smallpox epidemic hospitalized more than 1,800 people. [Oswaldo Goncalves] Cruz weighed the idea of making vaccination mandatory. Public opinion was against it, based on reservations about the quality of the vaccine and whether there was a real need for everyone to receive the vaccine. A few intellectuals supported the science, but were less enthusiastic about the medicine and even less so about the vaccine. The vaccine Revolt ... spread throughout the city of Rio de Janeiro and the military was called in to control the violence.
Opposition to Vaccines in More Recent History
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Michigan (where he studied vaccines), is a chief science officer of a biotechnology corporation, has served as the Scientific Director of the Chronic Illness Research Foundation, and has specialized in investigating vaccines and how they are made.
My testimony will describe the insights of recent scientific studies into the health consequences of exposing individuals to both toxic and foreign biologic materials, particularly multiple bacterial and live virus vaccines. The conventional wisdom concerning the use of vaccines needs to be reconsidered, taking into account the adverse medical effects that vaccines can have on the human body. Vaccine science must evaluate not only acute adverse side effects, but also possible associated chronic illnesses such as learning and behavior disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, intussusception, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, and other chronic health problems. These chronic illnesses are increasingly costly to society in both human and financial terms.Written Testimony of Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, August 3, 1999, to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight (U. S. House of Representatives). Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz on the need to protect the public from vaccine-related diseases and the politics of science:
Protecting the public against vaccine related chronic diseases is and will be a difficult task. Not only must researchers meet the scientific challenges, but increasingly they also must battle the politics of science. Research is showing that our understanding of chronic diseases, as illustrated by my two examples, often is seriously inadequate. Because the issue of vaccine safety involves both policy and science, the public needs to be better represented in the decisions made by public health agencies. In this realm, where science and politics collide, Congress should take a more active role in representing the public interest during the formulation of public health policies.Written Testimony of Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, August 3, 1999, to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight (U. S. House of Representatives). Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz on the entire federal health establishment violating medical ethics regarding vaccines:
I argue that the response of the entire federal health establishment to recent acts of bioterrorism constitutes a violation of medical ethics. Despite ample evidence from military usage over the last decade that the existing anthrax vaccine is highly reactive with possible deleterious long-term health effects, the October 2001 terrorist attack that employed mailed anthrax spores triggered an extremely questionable reaction from the Health and Human Services Department and its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Both HHS and CDC made the still unlicensed vaccine available to potentially exposed postal workers and congressional staffers not as an immunization, but as a treatment supplemental to antibiotics - without a scintilla of scientific evidence that such inoculations could help prevent the disease in exposed individuals. Even the HHS and CDC officials responsible refused to recommend the workers actually take the shots. In the fields of advertising, public relations, and political speech writing, this approach is sometimes called the "The Spaghetti Theorem" — throw an untried idea against the wall and see if it sticks. It has no place in science or medicine.
And now we learn from the CDC-authored informed consent documents for such civilian shots that the anthrax vaccine may be connected to birth defects if the inoculation is given during pregnancy. The data come from a preliminary Navy study still under review. So far the Pentagon has refused to provide further details.
Further, we now have learned from the October 23, 2001, GAO report "Anthrax Vaccine: Changes to the Manufacturing Process" that the FDA has blatantly turned a blind eye in its oversight and surveillance of the Bioport anthrax production facility.Testimony of Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D. on January 24, 2002, to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations. Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D., immunologist (research dissertation focus on immunologic memory), on vaccines inhibiting us from understanding naturally acquired immunity:
As we hear more and more about vaccine injuries, many individuals are starting to view vaccination as a necessary evil that has helped us initially to overcome raging epidemics but now causes more damage than benefit to our children.
As an immunologist, I have a different and perhaps a very unique perspective. I have realized that the invention of vaccination in the 18th century has precluded us from seeking to understand what naturally acquired immunity to diseases really is. Had we pursued a different route in the absence of that shortcut, we could have gained a thorough understanding of naturally acquired immunity and developed a truly effective and safe method of disease prevention compared to what vaccines can possibly offer.Tetyana Obukhanych, The Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do To Regain Our Health (Book intro in GreenMedInfo, April 5, 2014). Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych on the ignorance of naturally acquired immunity, and vaccines being neither safe nor effective:
Despite the fact that the biological basis of naturally acquired immunity is not understood, present day medical practices insist upon artificial manipulation of the immune response (a.k.a. immunization or vaccination) to secure "immunity" without going through the actual disease process. The vaccine-induced process, although not resembling a natural disease, is nevertheless still a disease process with its own risks. And it is not immunity that we gain via vaccination but a puny surrogate of immunity. For this reason, vaccination at its core is neither a safe nor an effective method of disease prevention. Yet, immunologists have nothing better to offer because they can only go as far as their deeply rooted immunologic dogma allows them.Tetyana Obukhanych, The Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do To Regain Our Health (Book intro in GreenMedInfo, April 5, 2014). Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych on vaccines not engaging the genuine mechanism of immunity:
[V]accination does not engage the genuine mechanism of immunity. Vaccination typically engages the immune response — that is, everything that immunologists would theoretically "want" to see being engaged in the immune system. But apparently this is not enough to confer robust protection that matches natural immunity. Our knowledge of the immune system is far from being complete.Interview with PhD Immunologist, Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - part 1, by Catherine Frompovich (International Medical Council on Vaccination, June 13, 2012). Retrieved May 15, 2015, from
W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., was an award winning pathologist and immunologist, and director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, who served as the director of the Viral Oncology Branch of the FDA's Bureau of Biologics, which had the purpose of ensuring the safety of viral vaccines.
Dr. W. John Martin on the lack of Public Health concern for vaccines that could include stealth viruses:
Where is the Public Health concern that a childhood viral infection was not recognized at major medical centers. Where is the interest in the many other children who have tested positive for stealth viruses. Why the lack of discussion about possible brain damage causing national tragedies such as school shootings, and the increasing prevalence of autism, attention deficit, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome. Are stealth virus infected patients populating our psychiatric institutions, allergy clinics and even our cancer wards.
The world and, in particular, its children appear to be at risk for stealth adapted viruses. The contribution of vaccines to the formation and dissemination of these viruses should be an open topic for scientific discussion. This is not occurring with those presently in charge of overseeing the safety of the Nation's immunization program.
W. John Martin, Vaccine Safety (Rosemead CA: Center for Complex Infectious Diseases). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Dr. W. John Martin on barriers to vaccine safety, and the ignorance of the FDA and health care professionals:
Unfortunately, this new awareness of potential problems with live viral vaccines has had little impact on the viral vaccine approval process. Seemingly, U.S. government agencies, principally the FDA, have been reluctant to impose additional testing requirements on vaccines once they are approved for use. In effect, government officials are given a single opportunity to decide on a new vaccine's safety. Even then, government regulators themselves may be denied certain critical information belonging to the vaccine industry. Specifically, FDA regulations are written so as not to compel industry to reveal testing information not directly pertaining to the lots submitted for clinical use. The FDA is reluctant to admit its lack of knowledge about vaccines to the medical/scientific community. Yet, practicing physicians are expected to unquestionably endorse the safety of vaccines under all circumstances and to all individuals.
Aside from these bureaucratic barriers to viral vaccine safety assurance, there are additional major concerns. Since vaccine development information is considered proprietary — protected by nondisclosure policies — government officials and researchers must shield potential safety issues from public scrutiny. This censorship is rationalized by the all too persuasive argument that vaccines cannot be criticized lest the public become non-compliant in taking them. Finally, this silence is buttressed by the small number of people capable of critically evaluating vaccine manufacturing and safety testing procedures. In essence, health care professionals and the general public know little about the possible dangers of live viral vaccines.W. John Martin, forward written in Leonard G. Horowitz, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, Or Intentional? (Rockport, MA: Tetrahedron Inc. 1996.). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from (Note: we do not endorse the theological views of the book's author, Leonard Horowitz.)
Dr. Chris Shaw, M.Sc. (Medical Physiology), PhD (neurobiology), cross appointments with the Department of Experimental Medicine and the Graduate Program in Neuroscience at the University of British Columbia, on concerns with vaccine safety data sheets:
[Interviewer] What are your concerns regarding the vaccine safety data sheet that comes with each vaccine?
Shaw: They don't report, in most cases, the actual data, statistics, etc.
Anne Dachel, The Aluminum Threat: An Interview With Chris Shaw (Age of Autism, March 28, 2012). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Dr. Chris Shaw on the erroneous methods of studying vaccine safety:
[Interviewer] What's been wrong with the way that we study the safety of vaccines?
Shaw: Pretty much everything. For example, animal studies are not typically adequately powered, do not look in relevant areas of the CNS, don't control for age or gender, and, indeed, often have no real placebo controls at all. The latter plagues the human studies, in addition to which the selection criteria are often designed to remove exactly that part of the population that might be most susceptible to adverse effects.
Anne Dachel, The Aluminum Threat: An Interview With Chris Shaw (Age of Autism, March 28, 2012). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD (Biochemistry), who researches the neurotoxic effects of aluminum vaccine adjuvants, on the erroneous methods of studying vaccine safety:
The reason why I got interested in this area is [because] there is a lack of research demonstrating safety.
When one reviews most of the pharma-based trials on the safety of vaccines, you will see that they either use another vaccine as a placebo or the aluminum adjuvant, and neither of those constitutes a proper placebo.
It's very easy to claim that the product is safe if you're using a comparator that inherently might be toxic.
Cited in Dr. Mercola, How Vaccine Adjuvants Affect Your Brain (, March 29, 2015). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic on people being brainwashed into believing that high antibody titers protect from diseases:
The problem is that people are being brainwashed into this idea that high antibody titers equal protection against diseases, and it's simply not true.
Proof of that are cases where you get outbreaks of infectious diseases in fully vaccinated populations, where over 95 percent are vaccinated, and they still get the disease.
The other side will always say, "We need to increase the boosters." Does it ever occur to these people that these disease outbreaks might be [happening] because [the vaccine] is not doing what they think it should be doing?
Cited in Dr. Mercola, How Vaccine Adjuvants Affect Your Brain (, March 29, 2015). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic on the lack of solid tests for determining vaccine-safety:
[T]he fact that to date no solid tests or criteria have been established to determine whether adverse events are causally linked to vaccinations should be a cause for concern.
Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic, "Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: Causal or Coincidental?" Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (2012): 9. Retrieved May 16, 2015, from
Drs. Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic on vaccines triggering severe neurological manifestations of autoimmune etiology:
In recent years it has become increasingly clear that vaccines may be a triggering factor for severe neurological manifestations of autoimmune etiology.
Chris Shaw and Lucija Tomljenovic, "Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: Causal or Coincidental?" Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs (2012): 9. Retrieved May 16, 2015, from
Dr Suzanne Humphries, Nephrology, Internal Medicine, testifying to the Maine Legislature about the system ignoring the fact that vaccines are unsafe:
Even if vaccines can protect for some diseases for a period of time in a lifespan (which is the best that some of them can claim), the assurances given to both sick and well people regarding safety and effectiveness is not backed by science, history, or even much of the medical literature.
We have peer reviewed writing that details the historical tragedies with vaccination campaigns. We have case reports of unexpected vaccine injury, and we know some of the mechanisms of vaccine injury.
We have a list of highly educated whistle blowers who were harassed and silenced by government agencies for trying to protect the public from drugs and vaccines they knew were unsafe.
We have prominent pro-vaccine vaccinologists today stating that pertussis, flu, and measles vaccines are failing and that the problem is not just vaccine refusal, but they are ignored.
My position is that vaccines are not guaranteed to be safe, that ongoing production problems do exist, that foreign animal DNA, and chemicals are in the vaccines, which don’t reliably protect. The public is given a false sense of security over the safety and efficacy of vaccination. There is no literature on the safety of vaccinating the kinds of sick people I tried to protect.
Suzanne Humphries, Testimony to the Maine Legislature (Suzanne Humphries, MD, May 3, 2015). Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Dr Suzanne Humphries on doctors not being educated on whether vaccines are safe and effective:
Until I did my own research, I was also uninformed and accepted vaccines as safe and effective. Doctors do not receive any education on vaccine composition and the potential adverse effects. In medical training, we were told that patients should receive the vaccine schedule, and were assured that vaccines are safe and effective, except perhaps in a very small minority of people — maybe one in a million.Suzanne Humphries, Vaccination and Renal Patients: A critical examination of assumed safety and effectiveness (Suzanne Humphries, MD, October 4, 2011). Retrieved May 19, 2015, from
Dr Suzanne Humphries on doctors not being adequately taught vaccine history, and the decline of diseases without vaccines:
Information given to doctors about the 200-year history of vaccination is limited to carefully selected sound-bites that pre-empt any concerns. We were led to believe that vaccines are solely responsible for the eradication of infectious diseases such as smallpox. Most accepted, without question or personal study, that vaccines greatly reduced illnesses and are a benefit to overall human health. Few know that the mortality for "vaccine preventable diseases" had massively declined before the vaccine campaigns began. But it is painfully obvious from figure 1 (at end of document) that the mortality for the major infectious diseases, including those for which no vaccines were ever created, had regressed to nearly undetectable levels in the population — long before vaccines were introduced. [see chart here]Suzanne Humphries, Vaccination and Renal Patients: A critical examination of assumed safety and effectiveness (Suzanne Humphries, MD, October 4, 2011). Retrieved May 19, 2015, from
Robert D. Johnston, Ph.D., Medical & Political Historian, University of Illinois, on how opposition to smallpox vaccines by independently-minded scientists became the common wisdom:
When smallpox was on its way out in the United States during the second half of the twentieth century, the vaccine was still universally mandated.
But a few public health officials and doctors discovered that in fact the smallpox vaccine had considerable risks and hazards and adverse consequences [that] the people had not picked up on before, and in their eyes had become more dangerous than the disease itself, which had pretty much died out in the United States after 1949.
These people were initially written off and seen themselves as dangerous because they were "destabilizing the value of the smallpox vaccine." Within a few years, however, those independent-minded scientists had become the ones who were expressing the common wisdom and smallpox vaccine was pretty much phased out across the mass of the population.Robert D. Johnston in Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines, Gary Null Production, 2013.
Dr. Shiv Chopra, scientist, MSc and Ph.D. (Microbiology), who received several academic awards (e.g., a Fellowship of the World Health Organization), on the dangers of the vaccine procedure:
Anyone knowing the basics of biology should know:
1. That all vaccines by their very nature are antigens and that every antigen by defintion must be a foreign protein or a substance attached to one’s own or some other foreign protein;
2. That no foreign protein can be absorbed into the blood stream unless it is digested in the alimentary canal into its basic amino acids;
3. That it is these amino acids which after being absorbed into the blood stream are reconstituted into one’s own proteins and it is these proteins which distinguishes every being of existence into self and non-self.
4. That any interference or tampering with these laws of existence can bring calamity to the being in which it occurs such as by causing auto-immune conditions like autism, etc. This is precisely what may be occurring due to vaccine injections in people.
Shiv Chopra, Vaccines and the Basics of Biology (Shiv Chopra). Retrieved May 19, 2015, from
Dr. Shiv Chopra on vaccine failures and dangers:
Apart from the foreign proteins, vaccines may also contain other harmful substances, including mercury, aluminum, formalin, oily adjuvants, etc., plus untold number of stray viruses with the potential to cause cancer, HIV, serum-hepatitis, and so on.
Meanwhile, evidence indicates that except for smallpox, no other infectious disease, e.g.: tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid, anthrax, measles, mumps, rubella, DPT, polio, influenza and others, has been eradicated and that this continues to be so despite the decades of vaccinations against each of these diseases. Also, during the same period, the incidence of many previously uncommon diseases, such as autism, diabetes, allergies, and cancer, has been increasing in pandemic proportions.Shiv Chopra, Vaccines and the Basics of Biology (Shiv Chopra). Retrieved May 19, 2015, from
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn (1926-1988) served as chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois and associate professor of Preventative Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on the lack of scientific evidence for vaccines eliminating childhood disease:
There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease. While it is true that some once common childhood diseases have diminished or disappeared since inoculations were introduced. No one really knows why, although improved living conditions may be the reason. If immunizations were responsible for the diminishing or disappearance of these diseases in the United States, one must ask why they disappeared simultaneously in Europe, where mass immunizations did not take place.Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child ... In Spite of Your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 231.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on the parents not being warned of vaccine risks
There are significant risks associated with every immunization and numerous contraindications that may make it dangerous for the shots to be given to your child. Yet doctors administer them routinely, usually without warning parents of the hazards and without determining whether the immunization is contraindicated for the child. No child should be immunized without making that determination, yet small armies of children are routinely lined up in clinics to receive a shot in the arm with no questions asked!Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child ... In Spite of Your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 232.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on short-term vaccine hazards, and no structured effort to determine long-term vaccine hazards:
While the myriad short-term hazards of most immunizations are known (but rarely explained), no one knows the long term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body of your child. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out.Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child ... In Spite of Your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 232.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on vaccines and the increase in autoimmune diseases
There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus erythematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome. An autoimmune disease can be explained simply as one in which the body's defense mechanisms cannot distinguish between foreign invaders and ordinary body tissues, with the consequence that the body begins to destroy itself. Have we traded mumps and measles for cancer and leukemia?Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child ... In Spite of Your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 232, 233.
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn on vaccines causing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others.Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child ... In Spite of Your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 250.
Jennifer Craig, PhD, MA, BSN (doctorate in medical education), on the refusal to research vaccine-caused diseases:
Today’s children will certainly never regain their former “purity of the body” after being assaulted with vaccines from Day One. Not only do they suffer from chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes and eczema but in 2012 the autism rate was 1:88 children and, as boys are more affected than girls, their rate is 1:54.
Instead of a massive research effort to explore the reason for this epidemic governments and the corporate press go to extraordinary lengths to deny any link between autism and vaccination despite the proven fact that metals such as aluminum and mercury, used in vaccines, cause neurological damage.
But a $17 billion a year industry is threatened.Jennifer Craig, History Repeats Itself: Lessons Vaccinators Refuse to Learn (International Medical Council on Vaccination, November 17, 2011). Retrieved May 7, 2015, from
Dr. Jennifer Craig on the medical system's indifference to vaccine dangers:
Once a vaccine schedule has been written it is observed like an edict from on high, particularly by nurses who are trained to follow orders. In many cases the notion that vaccines are harmful is simply absent. Not only that, the accepted ethical principle of informed consent does not apply to vaccination. Instead, coercion and guilt trips are laid on people, parents in particular, who refuse vaccination.
A recent example of administration of vaccines with "easy nonchalance" happened in Belgium in January, 2012. Nine-week old twins, born one month premature, were each given nine vaccines in one day. One of the twins had a cold on that day but apart from that, premature babies, with their immature organs, are extremely vulnerable. One week later, that twin died. Medical personnel denied a link to the vaccines.Jennifer Craig, History Repeats Itself: Lessons Vaccinators Refuse to Learn (International Medical Council on Vaccination, November 17, 2011). Retrieved May 7, 2015, from
Dr. Jennifer Craig on learning from the mistakes of the past:
The belief that vaccination prevented smallpox is now in the realm of myth. Until Medicine, (a term that includes all health professions), opens its eyes, examines the data of the past and, recognizes the facts, it will continue to believe the legend that cowpox prevented smallpox. The data clearly show that vaccinated people contracted smallpox and that increasing numbers died from it.
In 1807, Mr. Birch warned medical men to open their eyes and recognize the "evil results" of vaccination. In 1810, Dr. Maclean told us that it is incumbent on vaccinators to come forward to disprove the evidence against vaccination. Today adverse events are rarely reported.
Jennifer Craig, History Repeats Itself: Lessons Vaccinators Refuse to Learn (International Medical Council on Vaccination, November 17, 2011). Retrieved May 7, 2015, from
Paul G. King, PhD Analytical Chemist (a scientist who has intensively studied vaccines), on propaganda for unsafe commercial interests (in an article critiquing vaccines):
In the place of proof of safety, these propagandists invariably tout the "lack of evidence of harm".
In addition, the promoters of an unsafe activity do all they can to bury studies that question the activity’s safety under an avalanche of "recognized" studies that are peddled as showing "no evidence of harm".
Those who benefit from the commercial activity also do all they can to discredit those persons who dare to publish studies that question the safety of the activity.
Further, they use their wealth to buy other "experts" to refute any link between the activity and the harm that it inflicts on the "general public".Paul G. King, Vaccines and Autism — The Wrong Argument (Lake Hiawatha, NJ: Facility Automation Management Engineering (FAME) Systems, n.d.), 1. Cited in
Dr. Paul G. King on the suppression of knowledge about vaccine dangers:
Today, the pharmaceutical, academic, and healthcare oligarchies and apparently, to varying degrees, various agencies of the federal government are engaged in an intensive misdirective propaganda campaign.
That campaign’s apparent goal is to conceal the linkages between our current vaccination programs and the acute harm and chronic disease that the current vaccination programs cause.
These groups are seeking to hide these adverse outcomes behind a false "Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism" façade.
Further, without any real proof of safety, they continue to claim that vaccines are "the safest of medicines".
Unfortunately, the evidence provided by the independent toxicological, animal model, patient case, and epidemiological studies overwhelmingly points to a causal linkage between:
- Vaccines and/or some vaccine components and
In addition, though touted as "the safest of medicines", evidence of the real harm that vaccines can cause continues to accumulate in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database. Unfortunately, as our government admits, generally "no more than 10%", and often no more than 1%, of the actual adverse events associated with a given vaccination are reported.
- A growing number of now epidemic, chronic, childhood, medical conditions.
The vaccine propagandists, who now virtually control key aspects of the governmental apparatus, the mainstream media and, increasingly, even the courts, are continuing to successfully misdirect the majority of the American public.
Currently, the American public is being incessantly brainwashed to:
a. Focus on the "MMR-Autism" and, currently to a lesser extent, the "ThimerosalAutism" linkages, but
b. Ignore the epidemic vaccination-related increases in childhood diseases
c. Consider the Establishment-sponsored epidemiological studies and other biased population studies as if they were valid, but that, as of 2006, now affect more than 1 in 4 of our children.
d. Ignore the valid independent studies that indicate causal links between the harm observed and the vaccinations received.
In addition, to discourage independent research, the Establishment has increasingly engaged in attacks on the integrity, motives and expertise of the independent researchers who have dared to question the Establishment’s fabricated "truths". Further, the Establishment has recently increased the volume and intensity of its pro-vaccine propaganda. It has done this in an attempt to drown out the ever-increasing volume of reports of lifelong disability and death caused by an ever-growing number of vaccines and vaccination program doses to an increasing percentage of our developing children and ourselves.
Unfortunately, no recognized high-level Establishment insider has come forward and been allowed to speak the truth to all Americans on national television about the injury, disability and death caused by our current vaccines and vaccination programs.Paul G. King, Vaccines and Autism – The Wrong Argument (Lake Hiawatha, NJ: Facility Automation Management Engineering (FAME) Systems, n.d.), 3, 4. Cited in
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, former gastrointestinal surgeon, scientist, and medical researcher, on vaccine promoters living in denial and sacrificing children in the process:
We are in the midst of an international epidemic. Those responsible for investigating and dealing with this epidemic have failed. Among the reasons for this failure is the fact that they are faced with the prospect that they themselves may be responsible for the epidemic. Therefore, in their efforts to exonerate themselves they are an impediment to progress. I believe that public health officials know there is a problem; they are, however, willing to deny the problem and accept the loss of an unknown number of children on the basis that the success of public health policy — mandatory vaccination — by necessity involves sacrifice. Neither I, nor my colleagues subscribe to the belief that any child is expendable.Andy Wakefield (April 22, 2002 "Power of One - Idea" Rally, Washington DC). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on vaccines as a belief system that is not based on scientific facts:
Even as a physician and a scientist, I didn’t question that which I should have done. And when I started to question it around 1991, the further I looked into it, the more concerned I became. And when I presented questions to those in authority, I found that the answers were completely unsatisfactory — non-scientific, invested largely in a belief system — a hope, a wish — rather than hard scientific facts.Dr. Andrew Wakefield in Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines, Gary Null Production, 2013.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the lack of vaccine safety studies, and vaccines being promoted for commercial interests, instead of the interests of the public:
I think that what I know now is that the problems with vaccines in general and the MMR vaccine specifically are far greater than I had previously anticipated. ... And the more I've learned, the more concerned I have become — not only that the safety studies have not been done, but in some instances, as with, for example, the mumps vaccine, there was no need for this vaccination in the first place. Not my words, not my opinion, the opinion of the CDC and the regulators in the UK. So vaccines being introduced for commercial imperatives and the interests of the pharmaceutical companies, rather than the interests of the public, and that causes me huge concern.Dr. Andrew Wakefield in Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines, Gary Null Production, 2013.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., C.C.N., neurosurgeon, author and lecturer, on fraudulent vaccine safety studies:
Anyone analyzing the "vaccine safety studies" done by vaccine makers and vaccine proponents can see that they were purposely designed to show safety by omitting people in the study who truly reflected the population being vaccinated and who were, by all standards of science, at risk of harm by the vaccines.
They do studies that use as placebo controls people injected with a vaccine adjuvant. Placebos are supposed to be completely inert. The evidence shows that the greatest danger from vaccines is from the vaccine adjuvant — so, how can they use adjuvant-injected people as controls? Yet, all of their studies used such vaccinated controls — this is blatantly manipulated, and they know it.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the media's conflict of interest about vaccines:
These same [vaccine] companies advertise heavily on all of the major media outlets and the media understands very well that reports endangering vaccine sales can mean a huge loss of advertising revenue.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on the general public not knowing that some of the world's most prestigious researchers question vaccines:
The truth is that the case against the present vaccine schedule is very powerful and built on the findings of some of the most prestigious researchers in the world. The problem is the media and academia are so controlled by the pharmaceutical giants that the general public has no idea that this research even exists.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock on questioning vaccine safety as a career killer:
It is now known in the research world that questioning vaccine safety is a career killer.
Researchers who dare to do so have been fired, denied research grants, their articles are rejected by the more "prestigious" science journals, and they are no longer invited to speak at national meetings. The atmosphere of fear is pervasive — all generated by the pharmaceutical giants and their minions.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
The data demonstrates that millions of people are seriously injured and thousands die as a result of vaccine complications every year. In many cases the damage caused by the vaccines exceed the risk of the disease being vaccinated against — such as is the case with the chickenpox, tetanus, measles, mumps, hepatitis B, and HPV vaccines.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
The entire vaccine program is based on massive fraud. The so-called H1N1 "pandemic" is a case in point. Even the World Health Organization declared there was a "huge amount" of uncertainty in the seriousness of the "pandemic," which turned out to be far less deadly than initially feared.
The WHO admitted it mishandled the so-called pandemic and failed to convey its uncertainty to the public. Yet the CDC, the media, medical academia, and the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers all participated in this deception.Russell L. Blaylock, Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program (Newsmax, January 13, 2011). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Scientists Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Ph. D. (Biochemistry), who has researched and taught biochemistry, molecular genetics and biophysics, and Professor Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of genetics at the University of Western Ontario, on the dangers of vaccines:
Vaccines themselves can be dangerous, especially live, attenuated viral vaccines or the new recombinant nucleic acid vaccines, they have the potential to generate virulent viruses by recombination and the recombinant nucleic acids could cause autoimmune diseases.
A further major source of toxicity in the case of the flu vaccines are the adjuvants, substances added in order to boost the immunogenicity of the vaccines. There is a large literature on the toxicities of adjuvants. Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative 50 times more toxic than mercury itself. At high enough doses, it can cause long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural dysfunctions. Also associated with mercury poisoning are autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies. The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.
Another common adjuvant is alum or aluminium hydroxide, which can cause vaccine allergy, anaphylaxis, and macrophage myofascitis, a chronic inflammation syndrome. In cats, alum also gives rise to fibrosarcomas at the site of injection. Numerous new adjuvants are no better, and could be worse. According to a recent review in a science and business pharmaceutical publication, most newer adjuvants including MF59, ISCOMS, QS21, AS02, and AS04 have "substantially higher local reactogenicity and systemic toxicity than alum."Mae-Wan Ho and Joe Cummins, Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire (Institute of Science in Society, July 27, 2009). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Professor Joe Cummins on flu shots being ineffective and dangerous:
Critics point out that the 'vaccination experts' are dominated by the vaccine makers standing to gain from the enormously lucrative vaccine and antiviral contracts awarded by governments. But the decisive argument against mass vaccinations is that flu shots simply don’t work and are dangerous.Mae-Wan Ho and Joe Cummins, Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire (Institute of Science in Society, July 27, 2009). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Gary Null, Ph.D., on history refuting the notion that vaccines are safe and effective:
A look back through history reveals very different stories about vaccines from the ones told today. In fact, medical literature documents increases in the conditions they are designed to prevent, as well as side effects of all degrees of seriousness, including death. Thus the statement that we hear so often from the medical establishment, that vaccines are safe and effective, is a gross distortion.
Gary Null, Vaccines: A Second Opinion (Gary Null & Associates, Inc., 2000). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist (Retired), vaccine researcher, on vaccines not immunizing, but de-immunizing:
The immunological research in the last 100 years has been demonstrating that vaccines actually do not immunize, that they sensitive, meaning they make the recipient more susceptible to the disease, which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, and to a host of unrelated and related bacterial and viral infections. So, even using the word immunize is incorrect, because that would imply that the vaccines actually immunize; they don't, they de-immunize, they suppress the immune system, and all they cause is a harmful immune response ...Sunrise on Demand (discussion on vaccines) (Vaccination Information Service YouTube page, uploaded September 9, 2011). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr Viera Scheibner on vaccines as non-science, and being unsafe and ineffective:
Vaccination procedures are a highly politically motivated non-science, whose practitioners are only interested in injecting multitudes of vaccines without much interest or care as to their effects. Data collection on reactions to vaccines is only paid lip service, and the obvious ineffectiveness of vaccines to prevent diseases is glossed over.
Viera Scheibner, Adverse Effects Of Adjuvants In Vaccines (, May 12, 2001). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin, MSc and a PhD (health science and human ecology) who served as Director of the Office for National Health Development NIB, on mainstream scientists beginning to question understandings of vaccine-generated immunity:
As we proceed to the early 80s, we find that upon investigating unexpected and unexplainable outbreaks of acute infection among "immunized" persons, mainstream scientists have begun to seriously question whether their understanding of what constitutes reliable immunity is in fact valid. For example, a team of scientist writing in the New England Journal of Medicine provide evidence for the position that immunity to disease is a broader bio-ecological question then the factors of artificial immunization or serology. They summarily concluded: "It is important to stress that immunity (or its absence) cannot be determined reliable on the basis of history of the disease, history of immunization, or even history of prior serologic determination."Raymond Obomsawin, Universal Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage (online version). Citation from Polk, B.F., et al, "An Outbreak of Rubella (German Measles) among Hospital Personnel," The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 303, No. 10, September 4, 1980, 541-545 Retrieved May 20, 2015, from
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin on a minority of qualified scientists questioning the safety of mass immunization:
A minority of qualified scientists are now postulating that the full vaccine schedule as routinely employed in early childhood vaccination inevitably weakens the immunologic system of the child, leaving this system crippled in its ability to protect the child throughout life, and in turn opening the way for other infectious diseases due to such immunologic dysfunction. It is also being postulated by such scientists that mass immunization is directly contributing to the now widespread escalation of various auto-immune, degenerative disease and allergic conditions.Raymond Obomsawin, Universal Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage (online version). Citation from Polk, B.F., et al, "An Outbreak of Rubella (German Measles) among Hospital Personnel," The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 303, No. 10, September 4, 1980, 541-545 Retrieved May 20, 2015, from
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin on vaccine efficacy as an imaginative belief:
Belief in artificially induced immunization is actually predicated on an assumed technological ability to annul the natural bio-system laws of cause and effect. It is in essence an imaginative belief that we can improve upon nature's original design and purpose through deceitfully manipulating her to our own heedless benefit.Raymond Obomsawin, Universal Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage (online version). Citation from Polk, B.F., et al, "An Outbreak of Rubella (German Measles) among Hospital Personnel," The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 303, No. 10, September 4, 1980, 541-545 Retrieved May 20, 2015, from
Boyd E. Haley, Ph.D. in Chemistry/Biochemistry, Professor, Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, has frequently testified about mercury toxicity from vaccines before government agencies.
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on the lack of training doctors have in toxicology (a crucial matter for scientifically understanding the effects of vaccines):
I can tell you having been in a Medical Center and having taught biochemistry to medical students and talking to a huge number, I don't know how many hundreds of medical doctors I've talked to, they get very little training in toxicology. I mean no courses that are specifically designed, such as a PhD student in toxicology would have or a PhD student in biochemistry. They don't understand it at all. They are not trained to evaluate the toxic effect of chemicals, especially at the research level. I mean for one they don't do research programs. They don't have the insight that is developed and required for someone writing a PhD thesis in toxicology or biochemistry of materials that inhibit enzymes. They just don't understand the science and the chemistry at that level.Vaccines: Are they safe and effective? (Public Affairs Media, Inc., YouTube page, uploaded February 16, 2014). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on diseases disappearing without vaccines:
They [vaccinators] want to take claim for every decrease in a disease. We have diseases like scarlet fever and typhoid that have ... essentially disappeared, and no one ever made a vaccine for them. They were eliminated by good hygiene.Vaccines: Are they safe and effective? (Public Affairs Media, Inc., YouTube page, uploaded February 16, 2014). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Dr. Boyd E. Haley on vaccines and high infant death rates:
[W]e have to explain why in the United States with our very very high, very very early introduction of vaccines into infants — much higher than any place else in the world in developed countries — why the United States has one of the highest infant death rates in the world, one of the highest childhood death rates in the world, while we are still vaccinating. So the question that comes out of this, that a scientist would ask, if you are having this big successful CDC mandated program against infectious diseases and you have one of the worst ... infant mortality rates in the world, what's causing this? What are our children dying of? And if you are injecting them with compounds that we know are toxic — especially in combination with synergistic toxic effects, such as thimerasal or ethyl mercury and aluminum — and you are seeing all this increase in neurological illness. The CDC says one out of 6 children in the United States has a neurodevelopmental disorder. We have the highest infant death rate. Why wouldn't you look at the toxic effect and say, "Well what are we doing that they are not doing in Sweden?" Well, the one thing we are not doing, is we are not injecting our children on the day of birth with a high amount of thimerisal.
Vaccines: Are they safe and effective? (Public Affairs Media, Inc., YouTube page, uploaded February 16, 2014). Retrieved May 22, 2015, from
Statements by the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) (which includes important doctors in its Board of Directors), on vaccine efficacy:
Here, we clearly delineate the term "efficacy" from "effectiveness." Efficacy is defined as "the power to bring about a desired result" and medical authorities have previously established an association for this term. To them, the "result" indicates either "a decrease in the circulation of a particular bacteria or virus" or "the production of antibodies."
Instead, we have gathered documentation indicating that vaccines are not "effective." In relation to the subject of vaccination, WAVE uses the term "effective," in a broader sense, meaning both "not preventing disease” and also “not producing an overall healthful effect on humanity." ..."Vaccine Ineffectiveness," WAVE (World Association for Vaccine Education). Retrieved May 20, 2015, from
Statements by the World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE) on the fallacious method of drug companies measuring vaccine effectiveness:
Drug companies conduct (their own) studies and determine effectiveness by merely measuring antibody response. This is purely an isolated technical feat and does not mean, by any measure, that a person is necessarily immune to a disease at all. Many people contract diseases they had produced antibodies against. For example, in one study, 87 subjects with naturally acquired immunity to Rubella, antibodies were not found. But in 39 our of 65 vaccinated subjects who had contracted rubella, antibodies were found. Antibody titers cannot be relied upon for proper scientific evaluation yet this is the standard method for vaccine "efficacy"."Vaccine Ineffectiveness," WAVE (World Association for Vaccine Education). Retrieved May 20, 2015, from
[1] Suzanne Humphries, Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” Of Polio (International Medical Council on Vaccination, November 17, 2011). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from
[2] Nadav Davidovitch, "Negotiating Dissent: Homeopathy and Anti-Vaccinationism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century," in Robert D. Johnston, ed., The Politics of Healing: Histories of Alternative Medicine in Twentieth-Century North America (New York, NY: Routledge, 2004), 27.
Edgar March Crookshank by Elliott & Fry
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Retrieved May 26, 2015 from (available under public license)
Image of doctor vaccinating a man
"Only inoculation will save thee from cholera: A doctor inoculating a man (soldier?) against cholera in Russia. Lithograph, 1920-1929."
© Wellcome Library, London / Wellcome Images (CC BY 4.0) (license) (we have cropped the original) / Wellcome Library no. 535997i
Retrieved May 26, 2015, from (available under public license)
Image of smallpox on arm
"Left arm showing smallpox (left) and cowpox inoculation on day 8. Two of a series of 30 comparative water colours of smallpox and cowpox inoculation." Watercolour 1802 by George Kirtland
© Wellcome Library, London / Wellcome Images (CC BY 4.0) (license) (we have cropped the original) / Library reference no.: Archives and Manuscripts MS.3115
Retrieved May 26, 2015, from (available under public license)
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