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Glenn Beck: just another charismatic personality used by Satan to lure the church into embracing syncretism. (photo by Gage Skidmore/ CC BY -SA 3.0) |
Recently we found out that David Barton, of the influential Wallbuilders organization, called the Mormon Glenn Beck a Christian (see video below). (Okay, this is somewhat old news for some, but I'm a bit behind the times.)
However, those mildly acquainted with Mormonism know that Mormonism is not Christian, but an anti-Christian cult, spawned from the pit of hell. Moreover, while Beck claims to believe in Jesus, he says there are "3 faiths, 3 paths to God." This is contrary to Jesus' words in John 14:6, which affirm that biblical Christianity alone is the true faith.
However, those mildly acquainted with Mormonism know that Mormonism is not Christian, but an anti-Christian cult, spawned from the pit of hell. Moreover, while Beck claims to believe in Jesus, he says there are "3 faiths, 3 paths to God." This is contrary to Jesus' words in John 14:6, which affirm that biblical Christianity alone is the true faith.
Barton's endorsement is disturbing, but not surprising. For some time, political syncretism has been an evangelical trend. In the past we have seen Gospel-compromising evangelical coalitions with the heretical Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches (e.g, the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Document, and the more recent Manhattan Declaration). (See the end of this article for an analysis of these coalitions.)
Of course, let's not forget the long-standing Israeliolatry fueled by some dispensationalists. (Israeliolatry says "we stand with Israel unconditionally" despite the fact that modern Israel is an unbelieving, anti-Christian nation.)
And now perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of "Evangelicals and Mormons Together" (as if Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxism are not heretical enough); because of Beck's stance against liberalism, many evangelicals have a "warm, fuzzy feeling" for him--perhaps to the extent of overlooking his Mormonism. And to top it off, Barton, an influential evangelical, tells us that Beck is a Christian.
What's next? Will an evangelical leader tell us that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, also a Mormon, is a Christian, simply because he opposes Democrats?
A major reason evangelicals succumb to political syncretism is that they don't understand Christ's lordship over the state. They don't see that Christ must be openly proclaimed as the highest political authority; that civil polytheism (religious pluralism) is sinful; that the Old Testament civil laws are binding on civil government; and that seduction to idolatry is just as much a temptation in the civil sphere as any other sphere (cf. Deut. 13).
And now perhaps we are seeing the beginnings of "Evangelicals and Mormons Together" (as if Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxism are not heretical enough); because of Beck's stance against liberalism, many evangelicals have a "warm, fuzzy feeling" for him--perhaps to the extent of overlooking his Mormonism. And to top it off, Barton, an influential evangelical, tells us that Beck is a Christian.
What's next? Will an evangelical leader tell us that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, also a Mormon, is a Christian, simply because he opposes Democrats?
A major reason evangelicals succumb to political syncretism is that they don't understand Christ's lordship over the state. They don't see that Christ must be openly proclaimed as the highest political authority; that civil polytheism (religious pluralism) is sinful; that the Old Testament civil laws are binding on civil government; and that seduction to idolatry is just as much a temptation in the civil sphere as any other sphere (cf. Deut. 13).
In not recognizing Christ's lordship over the state, evangelicals lack biblical precepts to regulate their approach to politics. Thus they are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Eph. 4:14b). Without the objective, biblical standard for civil government, all that is left is compromise, pragmatism, and ungodly alliances. Hope is not in Christ, but in charismatic personalities and what man can achieve.
And so we can expect evangelicals to continue in their political declension until they realize that Christ, and Christ alone, is Lord of the state. He does not share His glory with another, and thus does not want His people to politically align with papists, Mormons, and other enemies of Christianity. As we have seen, the fruit of this is not political victory, but compromise with heresy and syncretism. And this provokes God's judgment, including by means of political tyranny.
May God protect His church from Mormonism, every other heresy, and those who would say "peace, peace," when there is no peace.
May God protect His church from Mormonism, every other heresy, and those who would say "peace, peace," when there is no peace.
(For a thorough refutation of evangelical political pragmatism, see Christ's Lordship is the Answer, not Political Pragmatism. For biblical principles on alliances, see Forbidden Alliances by George Gillespie.)
In this video, David Barton downplays the danger of exposure to heresy.
We would urge him to read Exodus 23:31-33, Matthew 7:15, and Romans 16:17, 18.
Excellent article by Steve Halbrook. Thank you, Steve. For readers, a small but growing explicitly Christian political party is the Christian Liberty Party. See www.christianlibertyparty.org. I think all thoroughly theonomic thinkers and doers will appreciate this party and this website. I invite your feedback. Jim Fox, foxfrontiers@gmail.com
thanks for the heads up about the Christian Liberty Party. I'll have to check out the site again. Are you involved with this party?
This business about Christians holding hands with Mormons and Catholics (and let's face it, with ANYBODY!) to accomplish political goals reminds me of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chr. 19 and 20. This otherwise Godly Magistrate was harshly rebuked for alliances with first Ahab and then Ahaziah at the beginning and then end of his reign. But that's just Bible, what's it got to do with politics, right?
Of course, a self-proclaimed prominent Christian leader (Rick Perry, who hosted that big prayer-thing in Houston) did say Romney was a Christian.
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