Saturday, October 26, 2013

Download: A Critique of a Critique of Theonomy: An Analysis of Matthew Winzer’s Misrepresentations of Theonomy and the Confession of Faith (by Brian Schwertley)

Brian Schwertley has just released a thorough critique of Matthew Winzer on theonomy and the Westminster Confession of Faith. This critique is very helpful for understanding theonomy and the theonomic views of the Westminster Assembly.

The following is an excerpt from the first paragraph:
In 2009 the journal, The Confessional Presbyterian, published a lengthy article entitled “The Westminster Assembly and the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis.” Part one by Chris Coldwell is a chronologically ordered collection of source material from divines written or preached during the time the Confession of Faith was formulated. Part one is thorough and exceptionally useful for understanding what churchmen and scholars were thinking about the judicial law as it related to Christian states in the New Covenant era. Part two by Matthew Winzer sets forth Winzer’s analysis of the original source material and also serves as a springboard to critique the theonomy movement. In this brief study, we will examine sections of Winzer’s article in order to note some of his misrepresentations of theonomy and his errors regarding the Confession and the judicial law. Before we do so, however, we need to note some things about theonomy and the theonomy movement in order to clarify matters and make our own position clear.


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