Monday, August 22, 2011

New Book: "Conspiracy in Philadelphia: The Broken Covenant of the U.S. Constitution" (by Gary North)

The Nicene Council has just released the book, Conspiracy in Philadelphia: The Broken Covenant of the U.S. Constitution by Dr. Gary North. Here are some excerpts from the book preview:

"The new constitution would become the law of the land whenever nine state conventions ratified it. This was in explicit violation of the Articles, which required a unanimous vote for amendments.

"Thus did a group of men launch a coup-d'etat. This coup established a new national covenant in 1788, a covenant stripped of the Articles' invocation of God, "The Great Governor of the World," with only the old country's name transferred for public relations' sake: the United States of America. Today, we would call this a trademark violation. But it worked.

"... In this new book from Conspiracy in Philadelphia: The Broken Covenant of the U.S. Constitution Dr. Gary North, in nearly five hundred pages with thousands of footnotes rehearses the story of the deeply theological origins and implications of that coup against the God of the Bible and His people, the Church of the Lord Jesus!"

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