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"Claiming to be wise, they became fools ..." (Romans 1:22) |
Debates about theonomy, and just about anything else, can wind up on the presuppositional level. This is one reason why when it comes to defending theonomy or other biblical doctrines, one must be able to refute the opponent's non-Christian worldview.
For example, recently a hostile naturalist commented on our post, Public Schools: Tool of the Totalitarian, anti-Christian State. He said:
The bible and all religion is the enemy. Children from a early age are taught to believe in a god of which there is no evidence for. I think it is wrong and a form of child abuse to brainwash children of whom cannot decide on there own into believing in a old ancient and childish idea of man. The bible teaches us that we are loser scum bag sinners. The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence. Who would want to bow down and worship for all eternity? Just like week I had a conversation with two older women who came to my door trying to spread there religious message. I asked the question. Is there other life in the universe? They answered back no since the bible doesn't say it exists and that even if Aliens do exist that god doesn't want us to worry about them or even think about them.
In my opinion religion hold society back. It makes people think bad about them selves. It teaches children to be obedient slaves. What better way to make the perfect slave then starting at childhood.In our reply to this naturalist (who left no name), we proceeded to reduce his entire worldview to absurdity. Achieving this is not difficult if you know enough about your opponent's non-Christian worldview. (Of course, one must approach learning non-Christian worldviews with caution, Colossians 2:8.) Since non-Christian worldviews oppose God, they oppose truth, and therefore they will be internally incoherent--that is, they will logically oppose themselves.
Those familiar with Greg L. Bahnsen's apologetics and debates might recognize that we borrowed from some of his arguments in our reply to the naturalist. We highly recommend Bahnsen's material to those who want to know how to ably defend the Christian faith. (It is a shame that Covenant Media Foundation, which sells most of his works, promotes the Federal Vision heresy.)
Below is our reply to the naturalist. For those looking to better refute naturalism and atheism, we include several arguments that might be helpful. Some might think we're being too firm (okay, maybe we did go too far in pointing out that he misspelled a word), but remember, we are dealing with an arrogant fool who needs to be humbled. The Bible says, "The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1a). And also,
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." (Romans 1:18-20)
Our critique exposes this naturalist's foolish rebellion against God. As Scripture says, “Claiming to be wise, they became fools …” (Romans 1:22 ).
However, in our critique we also mentioned that only through Christ can one be saved. Hopefully, by God's grace, that planted a seed. In any case, may God be glorified. Now, to our reply:
However, in our critique we also mentioned that only through Christ can one be saved. Hopefully, by God's grace, that planted a seed. In any case, may God be glorified. Now, to our reply:
"Anonymous"--you said:
“The bible and all religion is the enemy.”
Well, if all religion is the enemy, then that makes your religion the enemy, too, since religion is inescapable. Naturalism is a foolish, irrational faith that says, “hocus pocus!”—the universe came into existence by itself!
“Children from an early age are taught to believe in a god of which there is no evidence for. .. The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence.”
Who said all this? Since I’ve never seen you, I must conclude you don’t exist.
Your blind faith that all knowledge comes from the senses is self refuting, since the very view that says all knowledge comes from the senses cannot itself be ascertained by the senses.
Furthermore, you undermine laws of logic and science. For instance, have you seen the laws of logic? Are they growing somewhere in California ? No.
Therefore, you must conclude logic doesn't exist. Again, your view is irrational.
Actually, since thoughts cannot be seen either, you must deny thoughts. Thus your view is mindless. What a religious leap of faith!
No, Christianity is not a blind leap of faith. It takes God's revelation for what it is--self evident truth.
“I think it is wrong and a form of child abuse to brainwash children of whom cannot decide on there own into believing in a old ancient and childish idea of man.”
In your naturalistic worldview, there is no such thing as morality. Therefore, how can you call anything right or wrong?
According to your worldview, there is no Moral Law Giver. Instead, everything is just matter in motion. There is no “ought.”
Random atoms bouncing around don’t care about child abuse.
Besides, morality is immaterial, but you only affirm what can be ascertained by the senses.
And anyway, according to you, aren't we Christians just acting on natural selection? Do you take moral exception to lower life forms that haven't evolved to your level either? Do you remonstrate with the baboon? Censure the gorilla?
“The bible teaches us that we are loser scum bag sinners. ... In my opinion religion hold society back. It makes people think bad about them selves."
So? How is this evidence against the Bible?
What you are giving me here is not an argument, but an autobiography.
You don’t *like* the fact that all men are naturally wicked sinners, and cannot be saved from eternal damnation without the sacrifice of someone else--Jesus Christ.
But not liking something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is like the child who is angry with his father and pulls his bedsheets over his head and screams, “You don’t exist!”
“The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence.”
You misspelled “great.” Anyways, the Bible never teaches that Christians become great. Only God is great.
By Jesus Christ's (that is, God the Son's), perfect righteousness and sacrificial death for the sins of His people, God sees Christ in the place of all those who believe in Christ.
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