
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Lord's Day Act in Canada (Theonomy Applied)

by Scott Trimble 

According to Leaving God Behind: The Charter of Rights and Canada's Official Rejection of Christianity by Michael Wagner, the Canadian Sabbath Laws (Blue Laws) were originally called The Lord's Day Act in Canada. They were in place until they came under attack in 1985 by Big M Drug Mart. They were attacked according to Section 2 A of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (sanctioned as law in 1982). 

Quoting Wagner regarding section 2, A: "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms introduces into Canada a new concept of conscience and religion which prohibited expressly Christian Laws." (bold mine)

Since the Lord's Day Act was unashamedly biblical it was attacked just 3 years after the introduction of this God-hating Charter of Rights.

In my province of Ontario, the act was completely struck down in June of 1992. I can remember when I was a child that everything (except a corner variety store like a 7/11) was closed on Sunday. The children born in the last 22 years will have no such memory.


Note about the Theonomy Applied Series: In quoting any particular law, we do not necessarily endorse every aspect of that law as biblical, whether it be the prohibition, sanction, court procedure, etc. Rather, we are merely showing the more or less attempt to apply biblical law in history, whether or not that application was fully biblical. Moreover, in quoting any particular law, we do not necessarily consider those who passed and/or enforced such a law as being fully orthodox in their Christian theology. Professing Christian rulers in history have ranged in their theology from being orthodox (that is, Reformed Protestants) to heretical (for example, Roman Catholics).    

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