
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ham on Nye Debate - The Most Watched Debate in History? (Generations Radio)

"In what may have been the largest, most downloaded creation debate in history, Ken Ham faced off with Bill Nye (the Science Guy) at the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Kevin Swanson provides the play by play action, and centers in on the limitations of science. Could all of this boil down to the pride of scientists who cannot admit to the limitations of their field (whether historical or observational)?"


  1. Praise God, I was genuinely surprised at the amount of people I knew, nonbelievers and believers who was listening to this debate

  2. Veritasdomain, how do you think it went?

  3. I think the debate was better than I expected but the Presuppositionalists in me felt that there were so much more force that a consistent Presuppositional approach could have been mustered against Nye.
    What about your perspective Steve?

  4. Hi Veritasdomain - sorry for the late reply! I saw most of the footage with Ham; he did a pretty good job, although I would have liked for him to have pointed out the self-refuting nature of naturalistic epistemology, which says “All knowledge comes from the senses.”

    Unless he posed this argument towards the end ...
