
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quotable Theonomy: Rulers must Govern by the Bible (Edward VI)

During his coronation, the young King Edward VI, upon being brought three swords representing his three kingdoms, said that one sword was missing: the Bible.[1] He added,

"That book is the sword of the Spirit, and to be preferred before these swords. That ought in all right to govern us, who use them for the people's safety by God's appointment. Without that sword we are nothing, we can do nothing, we have no power. From that we are what we are this day. From that we receive whatsoever it is that we at present do assume. 

"He that rules without it, is not to be called God's minister, or a king. Under that we ought to live, to fight, to govern the people, and to perform all our affairs."[2]

[1] Unknown author, Writings of Edward the Sixth, William Hugh, Queen Catherine Parr, Anne Askew, Lady Jane Grey, Hamilton, and Balnaves: Volume 3: of British reformers (London: Religious Tract Society, 1831), 6.
[2] Cited in Ibid.

Note: we do not necessarily endorse all of the theology of those quoted in the Quotable Theonomy series


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