
Monday, October 22, 2012

Old Fashioned Election Day Sermon (Featuring Pat Necerato)

From the Mid Atlantic Reformation Society:

"Old Fashioned Election Day Sermon"
Featuring: Pat Necerato
When: Sunday, November 4, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Inn at Reading, 1040 North Park Road, Wyomissing, PA
In colonial days it was common practice for Christian preachers to preach an “election day sermon” on the occasion of public elections. These sermons were not partisan politics…they were Biblical sermons to boldly and unapologetically remind citizens of the duties of civil officials, and the duties of citizens to uphold Godly government at the polling place. Now there is an opportunity to experience the kind of preaching that our forefathers heard on these occasions.
As Christians we highly value liberty and independence. We invite you to hear Pat expound these principles from a deeply Biblical perspective in his message: Taking the Gospel Beyond Personal Salvation
In addition to the challenging Biblical sermon, there will be hymn singing and a time of fellowship. A free will offering will be received.

Through preaching, teaching, film-making and discipleship, Pat Necerato is committed to restoring the biblical gospel and doctrines that have been lost in the midst of post-reformation Christianity and the modern church movement. Pat is dedicated to equipping Christians in the areas of public gospel preaching, biblical evangelism, biblical activism, revival and restoring the Christian values and biblical standards our country was built upon-God’s Law. To learn more about Pat’s ministry, visit or

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