
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Book: Preaching and the Victory of the Gospel (by John M. Otis)

Preaching and the Victory of the Gospel is a 590 page systematic presentation of the biblical promises pertaining to God’s plan for human history from Genesis to Revelation – one of great victory for Christ’s church, not defeat.  

The two theological systems of Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism often do battle over eschatological issues. What is the millennium and when does it come?  Is it before or after Christ’s Second Coming?  What is the destiny for the church of Christ?

Preaching and the Victory of the Gospel advocates the major tenets of Covenant Theology with this main emphasis – all of the various covenants of promise promote the victory of the church. A sovereign God cannot lose in history, and He definitely does not ordain the defeat of His church.

Our theology should be rooted in a faithful exegesis of biblical passages, and this faithful exegesis demonstrates that the millennium is before His Second Coming.  Jesus is presently King of kings and Lord of lords and is presently sitting on David’s throne in heaven, subduing the nations as promised in Psalm 110. The Great Commission will be fulfilled prior to Christ’s Second Coming to such an extent that the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.  It is guaranteed because Jesus has all authority and power in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18-20).

The amazing thing is that Jesus preaches through His preachers.  Jesus is exercising dominion over the nations through the instrumentality of His church.  Jesus is going forth conquering to conquer (Rev. 6:2), and His church is the God ordained agent for this glorious truth.  King Jesus has provided divinely powerful weapons to His church for the spiritual conquest of the earth – that of preaching and prayer.  The church of Christ is an invincible spiritual army that uses these weapons to assault the gates of hell, bringing captive all thoughts to the obedience of Christ.

This victory perspective was commonplace among many preachers of the 18th and 19th Centuries, inspiring and propelling world missions.  God was pleased to bring to pass some of history’s greatest revivals because of faithful preaching and praying.  One chapter shows how God magnificently used the preaching of George Whitefield, Samuel Davies, Daniel Baker, and Charles Spurgeon to advance Christ’s cause.

Cost $25.00 in US (includes postage and handling); $30.00 in Canada.  

Order from Triumphant Publications

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