
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Advancing the Kingdom: Declaring War on Humanistic Culture (by Don Schanzenbach)

"This book, by Don Schanzenbach, is a Christian worldview study covering sixteen different areas of study. The goal of this manual is to teach the truth, that since God is the creator of all things, there is no area of knowlege that is neutral. 

"If we study the created world from any perspective that leaves God out, we are not going to reach a right understanding of our subject. Advancing the Kingdom contains chapters on the following topics: Kingdom, Theology, History, Biology, Philosophy, Authority, Civil Law, Education, Government, Mathematics, Geography, Sociology, Language Skills & Literature, Psychology, Economics, and The Arts. 

"The format is perfect for homeschool study or group studies. Each chapter begins with a discussion of the topic and is followed by study questions and applicable Bible references for deeper study."


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