
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Bible: God's Words to You: A Presuppositional Guide to the Reformed Doctrine of Scripture (Robert E. Fugate)

"The Bible: God’s Words to You is a Reformed, presuppositional treatment of the doctrine of Scripture, including: inspiration, inerrancy, Reformation properties of Scripture, illumination by the Holy Spirit, Old and New Testament canon, apocrypha, and textual criticism.

"One of the unique features of this book is its presentation of the subject of bibliology from the perspective of the Biblical world- and life-view, along with a presuppositional approach to apologetics.

"The book teaches from Scripture itself, while still providing abundant, choice citations from the best Reformed and evangelical literature. The author’s presuppositional presentation of the canon of Scripture and textual criticism are particularly helpful; his analysis of the unbiblical presuppositions underlying much faulty textual criticism is desperately needed.

"The Bible: God’s Words to You includes a glossary, five appendices, and memory verses. One particularly useful appendix surveys the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy throughout church history, offering a litany of carefully-selected, well-referenced citations."

863 pages


“I have carefully read Dr. Robert Fugate’s The Bible: God’s Words to You, and have found it to be a well-researched, well-documented, and very comprehensive treatment of the doctrine of Scripture. One of the unique features of this book is seen in its presentation of the subject from the perspective of a Christian world and life view, along with a presuppositional approach to apologetics. Herein the Reformed doctrine of the Word of God is taught from Scripture itself. The author’s study on the canon of Scripture and textual criticism are particularly helpful, and his analysis of the unbiblical presuppositions underlying much of faulty textual criticism is sorely needed. I do believe that there is a significant need for The Bible: God’s Words to You.
Dr. W. Gary Crampton, Ph.D, Th.D.
Research Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology Whitefield Theological Seminary

“There is a great need for a presuppositional approach to the subject of Bibliology, and Dr. Fugate’s work fills a major gap. His most distinctive contribution is in the area of New Testament canon. It is great to have a well-researched treatment of the subject from a presuppositional approach. His presuppositional treatment of Textual Criticism is also outstanding.”
Dr. Phillip G. Kayser, Ph.D.
Pastor, Professor, Missionary

“Dr. Fugate reminds us how important the doctrines of inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy are to maintaining our orthodoxy in Evangelical and Reformed churches. His presuppositional/worldview presentation of the doctrines of canon and textual criticism are valuable and needed. The church is in need of reaffirming our faith in the authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scripture for the Church of Jesus Christ, if we are to survive the 21st century.”
Dr. Kenneth Gary Talbot, Ph.D., Th.D., Ed.D., J.D.
President, Whitefield Theological Seminary


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