
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Quotable Theonomy: Tyrants and Judgement (William Tyndale)

"There is another care, that springeth out of the love of God (for every love hath her care), and is a care to keep God's commandments. This care must every man have. For a man liveth not by bread only, but much more by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 

"The keeping of God's commandment is the life of a man, as well in this world as in the world to come. As, 'Child, obey father and mother; that thou mayest long live on the earth.'

"And by father and mother is understood all rulers; which if thou obey, thy blessing shall be long life; and contrary, if thou disobey, short life, and shalt either perish by the sword, or by some other plague, and that shortly. And even so shall the ruler, if he rule not as God hath commanded. 'Oppress thou a widow and fatherless children (saith God), and they shall cry to me, and I will hear their voice; and then will my wrath wax hot; so I will smite you with sword, and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.'

"Some will say, 'I see none more prosper, or longer continue, than those that be most cruel tyrants.' What then?  Yet say I that God abideth ever true: for where he setteth up a tyrant, and continueth him in prosperity, it is to be a scourge to wicked subjects, that have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God; and unto them his good promises pertain not, save his curses only. But if the subjects would turn and repent, and follow the ways of God, he would shortly deliver them. Howbeit yet, where the superior corrupteth the inferior, which else is disposed enough to goodness, God will not let them long continue."

William Tyn
dale, Expositions and Notes on Sundry Portions of the Holy Scriptures: Together with The Practice of Prelates, Volume 43, ed., Henry Walter (Cambridge: The University Press, 1849), 111, 112.

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