
Thursday, April 19, 2012

American Vision critiques Theonomy Resources article on Ron Paul, then critiques its own Critique

"Well, my religious beliefs wouldn't
affect [my presidency]. My religious
beliefs affect my character in the
way I treat people and the way I live.
The only thing that would affect me
in the way I operate as a president or a
congressman is my oath of office and my
promises that I've made to the people."
--Ron Paul, expressing his radical two-
kingdoms theology
[Editor's disclaimer: Here we link to articles at American Vision's website. Although to our knowledge American Vision itself doesn't promote the dangerous Federal Vision heresy, it does promote works of some influential Federal Vision proponents, such as Douglas Wilson, James Jordan, and Peter LeithartWhether or not any of their particular works promoted by American Vision peddle Federal Vision theology, these men are extremely dangerous.]

In an interesting turn of events, Joel McDurmon of American Vision wrote a critique of my article, R. J. Rushdoony versus Ron Paul's Libertarianism, titled Theonomy's Radical Libertarianism

That was April 12. Then a few days later, on April 18, Dr. Ken Talbot, a board member of American Vision, wrote an indirect critique of McDurmon's piece titled Libertarianism versus Theocracy: Is Libertarianism a Christian Political Philosophy?

In this excellent piece, Talbot ably refutes the theonomy/libertarian syncretism advocated by some professing theonomists who support Ron Paul. In his conclusion, Talbot states the following:
Libertarianism today is not Christian. Modern libertarianism does seek “a form” of self-government and seeks “to limit” the power of the state or government, but it does not do so in terms of God’s law, but rather in the declaration of the absolute rights of men. Therefore, both authoritarian statism and authoritarian individualism always eventually leads to tyranny in one form or another; and in relation to God’s law they are both anarchist! Once example of this can be contextualized when Libertarian Ron Paul was asked – what influence would Christianity have on his political decision making? His answer was clearly humanistic. Paul stated: “Well, my religious beliefs wouldn’t affect [my presidency]. My religious beliefs affect my character in the way I treat people and the way I live. The only thing that would affect me in the way I operate as a president or a congressman is my oath of office and my promises that I’ve made to the people.”[1]
While I have a great deal of respect for Rep. Ron Paul, and hold too many of his recommendations about changes that need to be made in our country, his Methodist “semi-pelagian” theology is bankrupt as to how, as professed Christian, he should govern our nation if chosen to be President. This is the problem. This kind of libertarianism has no biblical world and life view which sees all things under the absolute power and authority of Jesus Christ our Supreme King. I doubt that Rep. Paul has any idea that he is promoting a humanistic political-economic theory. However, if he does, then he is simply advocating the “pretended autonomy” of man and while it is conservative, it is not Biblical. While much of his ideas would be pragmatically helpful, they are not the biblical solutions to solve our nation’s problems. For the Christian, the answers to America’s problems cannot be found in an unbiblical statism or individualism, but only from the Law-Word of God.
The warnings are given to us in Proverbs 14:34: Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people; and in Psalms 9:17: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. The blessings of God cannot come when a nation refuses to follow the Law-Word of God. The blessings of God only come when those who honor Him and His Law-Word are being implemented into our society. The Wise King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 29:2:When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan. As Bible-believing Christian we desire neither a humanistic libertarianism nor humanistic statism. Rather, our desire is for a Christian Republic where true justice is rightfully understood in light of the “crown rights of King Jesus” that is, where all men stand equally before the Moral Law of God and where that Law is rightfully enforced.

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