
Monday, March 5, 2012

Answers for NCFIC Critics

Some Answers for Critics
by Scott Brown 

Over the years, many people have written both positively and negatively about the NCFIC. Here are the six most common mischaracterizations and one true characterization.

The NCFIC redefines the nature of the church as a “Family of Families.”

False. Our understanding of the nature of the church is consistent with the historic doctrinal statements of the faith including the second London Baptist Confession of 1689, the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism and The Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Many years ago, we said, “the church is a spiritual family of families.” Some said we were presenting a new definition for the church when in fact we were not speaking of the nature of the church at all. All we meant is that a separate jurisdiction – a family – comes to church and it needs to be acknowledged as such and equipped to be a biblical family. We were not redefining the nature of the church.

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  1. Readers may be interested in a symposium about Family Integrated churches and like matters.

    Hosted by a local church it will be recorded for

    "You are cordially invited to a panel discussion at Park HIll Presbyterian Church on April 2, 2012, at 7 p.m. entitled "The Family in Crisis: Three Pastoral Responses." In a discussion moderated by the Rev. Greg Thurston, the Revs. Kevin Swanson, Shawn Mathis, and Matthew Kingsbury will present their views on how the Church should respond to the difficulties faced by Christian families today, interact with one another, and take questions from the audience. Held in conjunction with the next stated meeting of the Presbytery of the Dakotas, this evening is intended primarily to further discussion within the presbytery. As this is a matter of great concern to all the Churches, however, we earnestly desire the interest and input of all the brethren."

  2. Excellent, thank you for the notice. Is there a website with more info? If not, perhaps I'll run a post with the info you gave.

  3. Mr. Halbrook,

    My sister church is hosting the event and I just contacted them with just your question.

    But even if they get a site up I think it good you run the info anyway. There has not been, to my knowledge, any such public dialogue between FIC and Reformed leaders.

    I know each man gets a 10 minute presentation. Then there is 15 min or so of cross-examination. Then 30 minutes of open floor questions.

  4. Thanks again. In case I have any further questions about the event, mind if we correspond via email? Since I don't have your email, mine is ; if you could kindly contact me here so I know who to contact.
