
Friday, February 3, 2012

IF (part three)

By Buddy Hanson

It’s been said that the problem with living a Christian life isn’t what we don’t know, but what we do know. Since the lifestyle of the typical American Christian is virtually identical to that of our non-Christian neighbors, its apparent that many of our Christian friends are unintentionally “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1.18). In Part Three of IF we take a brief look at four additional bottom-line obedience questions. Share them with your friends, and remember to make a note of any “IF” you would like to add, and after this series ends next week, send it in. If we get enough to publish a Part Five, we’ll do so.

On the other hand,
We really trust-in God more than ourselves, why are we so hesitant to take a faithful stand for Him, by making certain that the textbooks our children are studying, the civil laws we live by, and/or the business practices we follow are founded upon His revealed ethics. After all, do we not believe that if any topic does not conform to God’s Word, it is a lie, and if followed, will only fail?
Our church is not teaching that we have been adopted into God’s family and Christ’s Kingdom to be Spiritual elves to serve God by providing a visual model of what a redemptive world will one day look like, instead of viewing God as a Spiritual Santa Claus to serve our whims, what else is it teaching?
We’re allowing subjective speculation about eschatology to override the truths and counsel of God’s clear objective revelation, we’re playing into Satan’s deceptive tactics to minimize our effectiveness as adopted servants in God’s family and Christ’s Kingdom. Instead we should be assisting fellow Christians to re-suppose that they pre-suppose by interpreting the Bible in terms of our present days (that the correct way to approach Bible study is to find objective ideas on how to apply the truths we are studying to our current situations and circumstances), instead of according to the last days.
Our Bible teachers are not systematically instructing us in what the Kingdom of God is and what our roles are, how can we be expected to obey Jesus’ command to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?” (Matthew 6.33)

(Scripture quotes may be paraphrases) 

Buddy Hanson is President of the Grace & Law Resource Center, which helps fellow Christians provide a visual model of what a redemptive world will someday look like by assisting them to re-suppose what they pre-suppose by interpreting the Bible in terms of our present days, instead of according to the last days., 205.454.1442

To send in more IFs, contact Buddy Hanson at If enough are received, Hanson plans to incorporate them into a Part Five.


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