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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Free Downloadable Theonomy Books (Biblical Blueprints)
Below are several free downloadable theonomy books available at
Biblical Blueprints
. (The info below was originally posted
A Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants
Also titled “Of the Lawful Power of the Prince over the People and of the People over the Prince”. President John Adams said that this book was one of the most influential books at the time of the War for American Independence. Students of American liberties need to understand the Biblical worldview that shaped the thinking of early Patriots.
(This version is the 1689 Translation by Robert Baldwin)
Click here to download or purchase.
Constitutional Restraints to Government Theft
Is there such a thing as Government theft? How can theft even be defined? If the government is guilty of violating the Constitution, what can be done to stop it? This booklet calls America to return to being a Constitutional Republic, and to take seriously the Biblical Law referenced in the Declaration of Independence and the Common Law referenced in the Constitution.
Click here to download or purchase.
Educating Our Children at Home
For many people the school bus, a room of 30 students, recess, and the school bully are as American as apple pie. But is public education Biblical? Should the civil government be funding the teaching and indoctrination of our kids? This booklet explores common objections to homeschooling and the Biblical basis in favor of it since
are to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Click here to download or purchase
Getting Christians Back Into Politics
It is plain for all to see that our civil government and many political leaders do not reflect Christian principles. Rather than shifting blame and pointing the finger, we need to ask why average Christian citizens are not involved in politics. There are many reasons and none can withstand the test of Scripture. The marching orders Christ gave Christians still stand today.
Click here to download or purchase.
In God We Trust: A Constitutional Defense of the National Motto
It is not uncommon to meet political candiddates who have never read the founding documents of the United States of America. Many lawyers are not even required to read the Constitution during law school! They have all read many
about the founding documents, but they have not read the originals. This booklet is one of a series of speeches intended to get Americans to think about our Constitution and what the original authors meant in it. With knowledge comes influence. Reading and understanding the original documents will revolutionize the way you think about our country.
Click here to download or purchase.
Is the Death Penalty Just?
The history of the church in the modern era is the story of Christians (laypeople and theologians alike) molding the Bible to the ideas of the times. It is the position of this book that God’s Holy Scriptures alone determine the parameters for the punishment of crimes and those parameters often provide for some flexibility. It is with humility that we apply the Bible to jurisprudence and the punishment of criminals.
Click here to download or purchase.
Math and the Bible
Scripture is our Rule for every area of life;not just spiritual life. We are to order our families and governments by it. Indeed, even our scientific studies, including mathematics, are ordered by it.
Click here to download or purchase.
ROSES: The Five Points of Christian Reconstruction
Reconstruction is a much needed corrective for the modern church. It is the most consistent and comprehensive form of Christianity. Rightly understood, graciously lived out, and humbly proclaimed, Reconstruction will beautify Christianity and make the world “jealous” of the Gospel (Romans 11:11-15). May it be our goal to “adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things” (Titus 2:10).
Click here to download or purchase.
Ruins of Athens: The Curse of the Athenian Model of Education
In this study of Acts 17 we see how Scripture, and in this case Paul, confronts worldly systems of education. Let us all feel and act as Paul did to shine the light of the Gospel into this critical area of society.
Click here to download or purchase.
Seeing History With New Eyes
Writing providential history is hard because it takes much more than a mere recitation of dates and events. Providential history is an attempt to interpret history within a Biblical Worldview and show the meaning and purpose of historical events.
Click here to download or purchase.
The Ethics of Organ Transplants
The ethics of organ transplants is not a simple issue. It raises thorny topics like suicide, abortion, and the definition of death. Whereas the modern medical ethics community provides a shifting sands basis for decisions, the Bible alone provides a timeless and compelling rock-solid foundation we can live (and die) by.
Click here to download or purchase.
The Flaw of Natural Law
Philosophers throughout the ages have sought to develop ethical systems apart from the Bible. Unfortunately, too often Christian theologians have done the same. But the Scripture informs us in the area of ethics and law just as thoroughly as it does for personal salvation.
Click here to download or purchase.
Universal Suffrage: A History and Analysis of Voting in the Church and Society
Universal suffrage (the belief that every member can vote) in a congregation or in a state is a fairly recent phenomenon. It was not until the 1900′s that there was any significant movement in this direction. Is this an improvement? More importantly, is it Biblical? Scripture definitely shines light on one of the most significant developments of the 20th century.
Click here to download or purchase.
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