
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poll: What is the most important book on Theonomy (besides the Bible)?

Take and share the new Facebook poll which asks what the most important book on theonomy is (besides the Bible).

take the poll



  1. I don't use Facebook so I hope you post the results on the blog.

  2. While the polls are ongoing, with no official stop date, I don't anticipate many more weighing in on this one. Current results are:

    Rushdoony's Institutes 26 votes
    Bahnsen's Theonomy in Christian Ethics 12 votes
    Walking in the Law of the Lord by Bill Einwecther 2 votes
    A Conquered Kingdom by Daniel Ritchie 1 vote
    Calvin's Institutes 2 votes
    Anything by Meredith Kline ??!!! 1 votes
