
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lest You Misconstrue, Christians & Secular Humanists see Separation of Church and State Differently

by Randy Pope

“In the beginning, God...” And “everything was created by and for Him.” God is sovereign and in complete control over His creation, in fact by Him you “live and move and have your being.” Even “all authority has been given unto (Christ).” If the God of scripture is the one true living God then everything is subject to Him, and that includes the state. 

The fact that the Secular Humanist must replace the doctrines of scripture with a perverted version of that doctrine that places man on the throne is evidence that the God of scripture is the one true living God. If man was created to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever” (answer to the 1st question of the Westminster Catechism) then when man does not fulfill this God given purpose he has a void to fill, which he naturally fills with his perverted replacement doctrine. This is what has happened with the Biblical doctrine of the separation of church and state. 

As has been stated in the article, Why I Believe in the Separation of Church and State, scripture teaches an institutional separation of church and state. God has ordered responsibilities to different institutions and no institution should encroach on the responsibilities given by God to any other institution. So, the God-established institutions of church and state need to operate within the boundaries that God set for them. 

The Secular Humanist cannot adhere to God's economy of order; therefore it is necessary for him to pervert this doctrine of the separation of church and state. Rather than allow God His rightful authority the Secular Humanist sets himself on the throne by erasing God from the equation. 

The Secular Humanist is not satisfied with an institutional separation of authority between church and state, he must confine the church to private matters of religion, leaving “important” matters like politics to human reason.

The medieval church developed a doctrine called Erastianism, which entangled the institutions of church and state in a muddled heap. This unbiblical entanglement resulted in the corruption and wars that marred Europe and drove Bible-believing Christians to the shores of America. These Christians understood that both the church and the state must operate under the authority of King Jesus. They also believed that church and state must operate within the parameters laid down in scripture for each. 

So, understand that the Biblical doctrine of the separation of church and state does not disqualify the church from exhorting the state to govern by Godly ethics and morality. Far from it. Martin Luther said that the relationship of the church to the state is for the church to lick the fur of the state. This is in contrast to the Secular Humanist view that requires the church, and the Christian, to leave their ethics and morality at the church door when they leave it on Sunday morning.

This article was originally posted at Christian Worldview of History and Culture  

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