
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Explicitly Christian Politics

"So how does Explicitly Christian Politics help us?

§  It acknowledges the authority of God’s Word for all of life, including politics;
§  It acknowledges that men, institutions and nations are accountable to God’s law;
§  It provides for the qualifications for civil rulers in order that they rule justly and keep civil government within its God-ordained boundaries;
§  It provides for limited civil government, thereby setting the foundation for godly justice, ethics, unalienable rights, private property and free enterprise;
§  It guards the most fundamental of institutions: marriage and family;
§  It protects the life of the unborn;
§  It promotes God’s ordained order, under which education, healthcare, welfare, and economics are not the responsibility of government, but of other institutions;
§  It urges the adoption of Christian civil government, which ultimately displaces the ideas of secular humanism, and
§  It transforms the political debate into a contest of fundamental belief systems, making it possible to expose unbelieving humanist policies.
"There is a great need for all believers to apply Scripture to all aspects of their lives, including politics. To the degree that Bible-believing Christians embrace ECP, it will be instrumental in restoring liberty and limited government, in exposing and displacing socialistic institutions, and in rebuilding a public Christian political conscience and worldview. This web site aims to expand a discussion of what Explicitly Christian Politics is and why it is essential, and how Christians can be effectively involved in it."

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