
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Theonomy Writings by Dr. Robert Fugate

Dr. Robert Fugate is a prolific author who has written books and booklets on various topics of biblical law.  His works include the following:


Key Principles of Biblical Civil Government: Proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the Nations

A 134-page introduction to the subject of civil government, from the perspective of the Biblical worldview. Topics include: What are the jurisdictions of family, church, and state? Can there be a religiously neutral civil government? What is the source of just laws? What are the Biblical qualifications for civil officials? What constitutes a just war? How should Christians resist a tyrannical state? Additional topics include: the idolatry of statism; the relationship between church and state; civil disobedience; eminent domain, etc.

Key Principles of Biblical Civil Government has received endorsements from: Hon. Howard Phillips; Lt. Colonel John Eidsmoe, J.D.; Dr. Ted Baehr, J.D.; Dr. Jay Grimstead, Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, Ph.D.; Tom Rose; Dan Smithwick; Rev. William O. Einwechter, Th.M.; Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony. Available in both English and Spanish editions.

God’s Revelation: He Wants You to Know Him

A 180-page in-depth Bible study workbook on the doctrine of revelation. How does revelation set Christianity apart from all other religions? What do all people know about God through general revelation? In what ways did God speak to people in Scripture? What are twelve tests to judge purported, post-Biblical “revelations”? This scholarly workbook includes a chapter on false revelations, with a closer look at astrology, Mormonism, and Islam. Also included in this workbook are quizzes, charts, five appendices, including one about existentialism and neo-orthodoxy, a glossary, a bibliography, subject, person, and Scripture indices, and over 400 endnotes.


Antinomianism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: An Illustration of the Consequences of Rejecting God’s Law

This 33-page booklet describes three types of antinomians (i.e., those rejecting God’s moral law). In these groups we see several similarities with contemporary evangelical Christian thought: a strong rejection of the Old Testament, producing a “New Testament only Christianity”; elements of Greek dualism; charismatics who “follow the Spirit” while rejecting the letter of Scripture; contemplative worship that replaces Bible teaching; pitting God’s law against grace (“all things are lawful”); using the doctrine of grace to foster sexuality immorality; no law but love; church tradition trumps God’s law; socialistic communities; sinless perfection; and universal salvation. Ideas have consequences. Antinomianism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries poignantly illustrates the consequences of rejecting God’s moral law. Contains a bibliography.

Biblical Imprecations: Christians’ Secret Weapon 

One of the perplexing ethical and hermeneutical problems facing Biblical scholars, pastors and intercessors, is the imprecatory Psalms, i.e., those Psalms that call or wish for God’s judgment, calamity or curse upon the enemies of God and God’s covenant people. Is it ever appropriate for Christians to pray Biblical imprecatory prayers? Why or why not? If these prayers are ever appropriate, in what circumstances are they to be used and by whom? The text of the imprecatory Psalms is given in an appendix — for convenient use in prayer. This 56-page booklet contains a bibliography. Reviewed and endorsed by John Eidsmoe. Recommended by the Coalition on Revival and the International Church Council Project. Used by a national pastors’ prayer group and by churches in several states.

A Brief History and Critique of Natural Law Theory 

Is Natural Law Sufficient to Govern Society? What is “natural law” and why is it so ambiguous? Is nature normative? Where does the Bible command people to govern their societies by natural law? Why is it always necessary to interpret general revelation by the Bible? Should politically active Protestants adopt Roman Catholic natural theology? Is natural law theory logical? Is natural law practical? What are six consequences of basing civil laws on natural law? This 45-page booklet contains a bibliography.

God’s Law: Foundation of Moral Order. 

This 86-page booklet answers the following questions. What are the 8 different definitions of the word “law” in the New Testament? Is God’s law inherently opposed to grace, love, and the Spirit? What different purposes does God’s law serve? What 3 things was God’s law never designed to do? Are the traditional divisions of God’s law (moral, civil, and ceremonial) Biblically justified? How does Christ relate to lawless people? What does the New Testament teach about Old Testament case laws? What is the significance of God writing His law on the hearts of His people in the new covenant?

God’s Mandate for Biblical Education

Education can only be understood from the perspective of worldviews. This 118-page booklet briefly examines the components of worldviews (particularly epistemology), and then presents the Biblical worldview of education.

Nine arguments (including the absolute lordship of Jesus Christ and covenant faithfulness) are powerfully presented, demonstrating that Biblically-consistent, comprehensive, Christian education is Biblically mandated for all subjects of study, for all Christian children. This is followed by the six necessary components of Christian education, i.e., Biblically directed: teachers, content, goals, standard, method, and motivations. Foundational presuppositions for a Biblical philosophy of history, language, and science are taught. (Most people are surprised to learn that it is philosophically and logically impossible for science to ever arrive at absolute truth!) Many other questions are answered head-on, such as: Can education ever be religiously neutral? What is the Biblical role of the church and the state in the education of children? Is “classical” Christian education Biblical? (The answers may surprise you!) The differences between the Hebrew and Greek models of education are powerfully presented. In summary, this book does not deal with the well-documented evils in the public schools; neither is it based on the unbiblical philosophy of pragmatism; instead, it provides a hard-hitting ideology of truly Biblical education that is applicable in all cultures, forcing Christians to re-think most contemporary practices. Powerful quotes from Luther, A.A. Hodge, Machen, and many others are included. God’s Mandate for Biblical Education is endorsed by Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, Ph.D.; Tom Rose. It makes an excellent gift for pastors and church libraries. 

Some Continuities and Discontinuities between the Older Testament and the Newer Testament. 

This 34-page booklet stresses the unity of Scripture and the importance of using the entire Bible. It answers the following questions. How were people saved in the Old Testament? What is the relationship between the Old Testament covenants and the new covenant? Were Old Testament ethics inferior to the ethics of the New Testament? What continues from the Old Testament and what does not continue and why? The hermeneutical question of continuity/discontinuity affects Christian practice in many areas, e.g., church-state relations, civil laws (e.g., capital punishment, abortion), dietary laws, regulations for worship, church polity, keeping the Sabbath, etc. A bibliography is included.

Toward a Theology of Taxation

This 89-page study pioneers the application of God’s infallible and sufficient Word to the area of taxation. Many areas are explored: What types of taxes are mentioned in Scripture? Does God disapprove of some types of tax? What tax did God institute in Old Testament Israel? What does the prophet Samuel’s warning against a centralized civil government teach about increased taxation? Is the modern concept of taxation as the vehicle for socialistic revolution really Biblical? In what ways does “Pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” limit the civil government? Is a tax revolt Biblical?

Ten Commandments: From Tablets of Stone into the Hearts of God’s People

Author: Vonne L. Fugate. This 63-page introduction to the Ten Commandments contains many practical applications, making it an excellent tool for Bible study groups. Ten Commandments has received an enthusiastic endorsement from constitutional attorney, John Eidsmoe.

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