
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ku Klux Kinism? Striking Similarities between Kinism and the KKK

(Above: the KKK.)  Kinists and the KKK are kindred
spirits, as both pervert Christianity in order to justify
their racist brands of theological terrorism. 
In reading this quote on the Ku Klux Klan's website from the National Director of the Knights, one would think he is on a kinist website:  
"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers."
Thomas Robb, "America, Our Nation is Under  Judgement from God!," The Knights Party, USA. Retrieved February 10, 2011, from

Does kinism breed KKK recruits? Are kinists
of today the KKK terrorists of tomorrow?
The theologies are similar enough for concern.
 This page links to the main Knights Party, USA website, which says:

"America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation’s founders. Immigration should remain open to all White Christians throughout the world …. The entire reasoning behind the forming of America was to allow one place in the world where White Christians could live together in harmony without any outside interference from those of other religions or races."

"The Knights' Party Platform," The Knights Party (2010). Retrieved February 10, 2011, from

Sounds very kinist.  So does this somewhat, from the same site:
"It is quite clear that the laws of God forbid intermarriage of the      children of Adam and Eve with any other of the other races upon the earth. Furthermore, the non-white races are not to mingle either. Repeated throughout scripture is the command to reproduce kind after kind and the evidence as shown above goes even beyond that simple phrase so often repeated in the Bible."  
Rachel Pendergraft, "The 'Modern' Church-The Downfall of our Race," The Knights Party (2010). Retrieved February 10, 2011, from                                                           
Kinism also touts a "kind-after-kind" argument to oppose interracial marriage.  Although we must point out a difference in this quote between the KKK and kinism: Here the KKK says that only whites descended from the Adam.

This seems to be based on so-called "Christian Identity" theology.  Kinism opposes Christian identity, according to the Kinist Institute Manifesto:    
"We further recognize the value, uniqueness, and preciousness of all the Families of Man to God, and their equal theoretical participation in the salvation offered by God through election. This insistence distinguishes us from Christian Identity groups that hold to the belief that other people groups are either not in need of salvation (all have fallen short of the glory of God), or are in any sense subhuman, or worthy of less than the decency owed by all Christians to all men."
“The Kinist Institute Manifesto,” The Kinist Institute for European-American StudiesRetrieved February 10, 2011, from
Although really, is there any practical difference between kinists and Identity groups that hold other races to be "in any sense subhuman, or worthy of less than the decency owed by all Christians to all men"? In the very next sentence, the manifesto says, 
"When publishes materials disparaging of other racial-ethnic groups, it is for the sole purpose of exposing the incompatibility and essential uniqueness of the cultures in question."
Disparaging races is to hold them to be subhuman, and worthy of less than the decency owed by all Christians to all men.

Kinism further dehumanizes other races by viewing them as a "contamination" that diminishes the "purity" of white society.  Thus kinism is more than racist enough to provoke evils similar to those of the KKK.

Hateful theology is one step before murder.Verbal lynchings precede physical lynchings: 

"But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." (Matthew 15:18, 19)
In any case, the aforementioned KKK statements are virtually identical with statements in the Kinist Institute Manifesto. See the chart below. Kinists and the KKK alike employ identical rhetoric in order to justify their racist agendas.

It appears that kinism, in principle, may very well be neo-KKKism.  If it doesn't rise to the level of KKK theology, it comes dangerously close. (Of course, kinism is dangerous enough in and of itself.) One would be naive not to suspect that the writers of the Kinist Institute  Manifesto were not influenced by KKK theology.

The KKK and Kinism Compared



War against
Whites/White Christians

"There is a race war against whites."

"The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day."
"In the attempt to create a one world, neo-Babylonian government, a loosely organized but relentless campaign is now underway throughout the world to eradicate racial and ethnic distinctions. White Christians are the foremost targets of this campaign."

"In life and in death, we oppose all enemies of Jesus Christ and all who seek our collective displacement, dispossession, or subjugation."

Advocating a "Peaceful" Solution

"But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution."
"It is further expected and encouraged, that other racial-ethnic groups should desire and seek to realize the selfsame independence, nurturing, and self-provision we seek for our people, and we encourage and support those groups that foster such ends through peaceful and law abiding means. It is in view of this insistence on the peaceable and lawful means of change that we denounce the use of violence and terror to achieve that change."

"We believe in treating all men with decency and justice."

Brotherhood of White Man/Global Racial Unity

"But our people - my white brothers and sisters ..."

"That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world."

"Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty."

"We at believe that our White peoples have an inalienable, that is God-given, right and duty to seek their own prosperity and existence as distinct nations, apart from all other genetic and ethnic families."

"Nevertheless, we stand or fall with no other but the White peoples of Europe, and their standards of beauty, their cultural achievements, the achievements of their civilization, established through the confluence of pagan and Christian traditions, are both irreplaceable and vital to our survival as a people."
Opposing Interracial
Marriage by Twisting what Scripture says about "Kind after Kind" 

"Repeated throughout scripture is the command to reproduce kind after kind and the evidence as shown above goes even beyond that simple phrase so often repeated in the Bible."

"This seeking of prosperity and distinctness for our European peoples is primarily to be achieved by conversion to the religion of our only Savior, Jesus Christ. We therefore, we denounce the sin of miscegenation as a violation of God’s created order which has permanent consequences for every heritable trait. We appeal to God’s creation mandate of “kind after kind.”

World Order

"there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order."
"In the attempt to create a one world, neo-Babylonian government, a loosely organized but relentless campaign is now underway throughout the world to eradicate racial and ethnic distinctions." 

Pretends to
be Christian

"That way is the Christian way ..."

"These are the principles of western Christian civilization."
"… we recognize the universality of the catholic Christian Church, and seek its prosperity, wherever it arises, to the extent it remains faithful to the orthodox Gospel of Jesus Christ as put forth in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments."

"This seeking of prosperity and distinctness for our European peoples is primarily to be achieved by conversion to the religion of our only Savior, Jesus Christ."

Redefines the term Family to Mean "Race"

"love of family  - love of nation."
"Mankind was designed by its Creator and Law Giver to live and to thrive in extended family groups,"

"We at believe that our White peoples have an inalienable, that is God-given, right and duty to seek their own prosperity and existence as distinct nations, apart from all other genetic and ethnic families."

"We believe this right extends to all other genetic and ethnic families …"

Loyalty to
Skin Color

"Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty."
"Nevertheless, we stand or fall with no other but the White peoples of Europe, and their standards of beauty, their cultural achievements, the achievements of their civilization, established through the confluence of pagan and Christian traditions, are both irreplaceable and vital to our survival as a people."


"The entire reasoning   behind the forming of America was to allow one place in the world where White Christians could             live together in harmony without any outside interference from those of other religions or races."

"We at believe that our White peoples have an inalienable, that is God-given, right and duty to seek their own prosperity and existence as distinct nations, apart from all other genetic and ethnic families."

"Mankind was designed by its Creator and Law Giver to live and to thrive in extended family groups, and all other 'alternatives' to this pattern are inhibitory of the chief end of man, which is to Glorify God and to enjoy life with Him forever."

KKK and kinist quotes in this chart are from citations in this article.  


  1. Way to go! Good article. :)

  2. Angela,
    An example of how there is nothing new under the sun. There unfortunately will always be racists vainly attempting to justify their heresy with Scripture.
