
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Public Schools: Tool of the Totalitarian, anti-Christian State

Public education has historically been
used by totalitarian states to brainwash
the youth into giving themselves body
and soul to the state.  To accomplish the
indoctrination of their anti-Christian 
worldview, such states must explicitly or 
implicitly teach children that the 
Bible is the enemy.
Throughout history, the public school system has been a tool of the God-hating humanistic state to enslave the youth—mind and body—to do its bidding.  “A revolution in educational thought accompanied the French Revolution.  The radicals of the movement would establish a universal, free, compulsory and secular system of elementary education for the moulding of citizens of the new social order.” [1]

In Fascist Italy, “All teachers were state officials, and were carefully trained to mould Fascist minds, and prepare youth for service to the state.” [2]  Regarding Nazi Germany,

Nazi theory found its summation in the often reiterated and officially approved view that the purpose of education is to bring every individual will into complete, submissive, harmonious accord with the will of the Nazi state of which the Führer is the living embodiment.  Integration was the magic word in the educational formula, and the individual was to be integrated with his political society not for his own sake but for the well being of society, to which alone he owes loyalty and for which he must sacrifice his life, if needs be; for society was said to have given him even his life.[3]

And in Soviet Communism:

Education, officially viewed as extending from birth to death, must be closely integrated with the changing ideals, practices and needs of the régime.  The aims of the government and the school must always be the same.  When the government embarked on its Five-Year Plans, so did the school.  When the government struck at the kulaks, so did the school.  The morality approved by the state must be inculcated in youth by the school.  The whole system of state-approved economic, social, political, ethical, philosophical and other forms of ideology must be promoted by the school.[4]

American public schools share the core tenet of these tyrannical regimes: to transform children into slaves of the state.   This has been the case for some time.  For example, the National Education Association (NEA),[5] the most influential teacher’s union today, stated back in 1951 in the report “Moral and Spiritual Values in the Public Schools” that “this report will encourage in homes, churches, and schools a nationwide renaissance of interest in education for moral and spiritual values.”[6]  “By moral and spiritual values,” it continues, “we mean those values which, when applied to human behavior, exalt and refine life and bring it into accord with the standards of conduct that are approved in our democratic culture”[7] (emphases mine).

Of course, standards of conduct” must be determined by state-approved “specialists.” For example, much of the “values clarification” program—a relativistic view of ethics ultimately designed to brainwash children to deny the Word of God (which is the easiest way to conform children to the state)—comes from psychologists, such as the psychotherapist Carl Rogers.[8] (Psychologists, by their very trade, specialize in psychological manipulation.)

And so what we have today is public schools churning out minions who look to civil government as the Great Master with solutions to practically all things, and as the great lawgiver that decides man’s code of ethics (sodomy and abortion “rights,” socialism, etc.).  Life and death revolve around the state, as evidenced in our cultural acceptance of working one’s entire life to finance the state’s perpetual debt, and in our cultural acceptance of the state’s sanction of executing the unborn.  

Excerpt from the (Lord willing) upcoming book, God is Just: A Defense of the Old Testament Civil Laws: Biblical Theocracy, Justice, and Slavery versus Humanistic Theocracy, "Justice," and Slavery by Steve C. Halbrook.  Copyright © 2010 by Steve C. Halbrook.  Based on the master's thesis, God is Just: A Defense of the Old Testament Civil Laws.


     [1] James Mulhern, A History of Education (NY: The Ronald Press Company, 1946), 406.
     [2] Ibid., 587.
     [3] Ibid., 560.
     [4] Ibid., 591, 592.
     [5] Way before this, the NEA worked with the socialist Bellamy cousins to combine using public schools and the pledge of allegiance as a means of brainwashing.  (Francis Bellamy authored the Pledge, and his cousin, Edward, penned Looking Backward [1888], a famous socialist novel.)  Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Pledging Allegiance to the Omnipotent Lincolnian State (, October 17, 2003). Retrieved December 7, 2009, from  DiLorenzo writes,      “The public schools must be used to teach blind obedience to the state, the Bellamys reasoned, and the National Education Association was pleased to help them accomplish this goal. They planned a ‘National Public School Celebration’ in 1892, which was the first national propaganda campaign on behalf of the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a massive campaign that involved government schools and politicians throughout the country. The government schools were promoted, along with the Pledge, while private schools, especially parochial ones, were criticized.
     “Students were taught to recite the Pledge with their arms outstretched, palms up, similar to how Roman citizens were required to hail Caesar, and not too different from the way in which Nazi soldiers saluted their Führer. This was the custom in American public schools from the turn of the twentieth century until around 1950, when it was apparently decided by public school officials that the Nazi-like salute was in bad taste.” Ibid.
     The pledge itself has roots in the humanistic French Revolution:  “Bellamy considered the ‘liberty and justice for all’ phrase in the Pledge to be an Americanized version of the slogan of the French Revolution: ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.’ The French revolutionaries believed that mass killing by the state was always justified if it was done for the ‘grand purpose’ of achieving ‘equality.’ In an 1876 commencement speech Francis Bellamy praised the French Revolution as ‘the poetry of human brotherhood.’” Ibid.
     [6] William G. Carr, Moral and Spiritual Values in the Public Schools, vi.  Cited in Rousas J. Rushdoony, Intellectual Schizophrenia: Culture, Crisis and Education (Philadelphia, PA: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1961), 63.
     [7] Carr, Moral and Spiritual Values in the Public Schools, 3.  Cited in Rushdoony, Intellectual Schizophrenia, 63.
     [8] Thomas Sowell, Inside American Education (New York, NY: The Free Press, 1993), 48.



  1. The bible and all religion is the enemy. Children from a early age are taught to believe in a god of which there is no evidence for. I think it is wrong and a form of child abuse to brainwash children of whom cannot decide on there own into believing in a old ancient and childish idea of man. The bible teaches us that we are loser scum bag sinners. The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence. Who would want to bow down and worship for all eternity? Just like week I had a conversation with two older women who came to my door trying to spread there religious message. I asked the question. Is there other life in the universe? They answered back no since the bible doesn't say it exists and that even if Aliens do exist that god doesn't want us to worry about them or even think about them.

    In my opinion religion hold society back. It makes people think bad about them selves. It teaches children to be obedient slaves. What better way to make the perfect slave then starting at childhood.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Anonymous"--you said

    “The bible and all religion is the enemy.”

    Well, if all religion is the enemy, then that makes your religion the enemy, too, since religion is inescapable. Naturalism is a foolish, irrational faith that says, “hocus pocus!”—the universe came into existence by itself!

    “Children from an early age are taught to believe in a god of which there is no evidence for. .. The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence.”

    Who said all this? Since I’ve never seen you, I must conclude you don’t exist.

    Your blind faith that all knowledge comes from the senses is self refuting, since the very view that says all knowledge comes from the senses cannot itself be ascertained by the senses.

    Furthermore, you undermine laws of logic and science. For instance, have you seen the laws of logic? Are they growing somewhere in California? No.

    Therefore, you must conclude logic doesn't exist. Again, your view is irrational.

    Actually, since thoughts cannot be seen either, you must deny thoughts. Thus your view is mindless. What a religious leap of faith!

    No, Christianity is not a blind leap of faith. It takes God's revelation for what it is--self evident truth.

    “I think it is wrong and a form of child abuse to brainwash children of whom cannot decide on there own into believing in a old ancient and childish idea of man.”

    In your naturalistic worldview, there is no such thing as morality. Therefore, how can you call anything right or wrong?

    According to your worldview, there is no Moral Law Giver. Instead, everything is just matter in motion. There is no “ought.”

    Random atoms bouncing around don’t care about child abuse.

    Besides, morality is immaterial, but you only affirm what can be ascertained by the senses.

    And anyway, according to you, aren't we Christians just acting on natural selection? Do you take moral exception to lower life forms that haven't evolved to your level either? Do you remonstrate with the baboon? Censure the gorilla?

    “The bible teaches us that we are loser scum bag sinners. ... In my opinion religion hold society back. It makes people think bad about them selves."

    So? How is this evidence against the Bible?

    What you are giving me here is not an argument, but an autobiography.

    You don’t *like* the fact that all men are naturally wicked sinners, and cannot be saved from eternal damnation without the sacrifice of someone else--Jesus Christ.

    But not liking something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is like the child who is angry with his father and pulls his bedsheets over his head and screams, “You don’t exist!”

    “The only way we can become anything grate is if we bow down and worship a god of whom we have never seen and only have faith as evidence.”

    You misspelled “great.” Anyways, the Bible never teaches that Christians become great. Only God is great.

    By Jesus Christ's (that is, God the Son's), perfect righteousness and sacrificial death for the sins of His people, God sees Christ in the place of all those who believe in Christ.

  4. Beautifully spoken Steve!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
