
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Seminary Founded by D. James Kennedy Infected by Federal Visionists

Knox Theological Seminary, founded by the late D. James Kennedy, is the one of the latest organizations to be infected by the Federal Vision heresy.  This is unfortunate, but not surprising, since the church has largely been timid in dealing with the Federal Vision. 

The following by Stephen Welch, a Knox Theological Seminary graduate and pastor of Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church in River Denys, Nova, discusses the situation at Knox Theological Seminary, which has added as adjunct professors Federal Visionists Dr. John H. Armstrong and Dr. Peter Leithart.

Following the piece are appendices showing Armstrong's sympathies to two of the main influences on the Federal Vision, N. T. Wright and Norman Shepherd.

Knox Theological Seminary: A New Haven for Federal Visionists

 by Stephen Welch

Dr. D. James Kennedy, the former pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, founded Knox Theological Seminary in 1989. He chose the name Knox, because he wanted a seminary dedicated to training men like the Scottish reformer, who would be sound in the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith, solid in a faith that rested in Christ alone as Savior and protector, and would be filled with passion and courage to proclaim the gospel and bring reformation to the church. The vision was to have a seminary like Old Princeton where men would be trained in theology, preaching, and pastoral care in preparation for the ministry. The original professors that taught on the faculty were men who upheld this vision and affirmed the confessional standards without reservation. These faculty members were scholars and great theologians, who were passionate about the Reformed faith. Sadly, the seminary he founded has been replaced with a new Knox that is a haven for Federal Visionists like John H. Armstrong and Peter Leithart. How did the seminary founded by Dr. Kennedy allow Federal Visionists to teach on its faculty?

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