
Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Reformed Family Bible Conference

"To Him Who Overcomes: The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Encouragement and Strength for Weary, Battle-Fatigued Christians" June 22-26 2010, Bluefield, VA.

"The Lord Jesus reveals His glory in the book of Revelation. The Lord Jesus walks among His churches and brings unique blessings and judgments to each congregation of His people in light of their own unique needs and condition. He refreshes and encourages weary, struggling lambs. He corrects those lambs who are straying. The Lamb exercises His power and brings heretics and tyrants to heel. Look to Christ! He brings victory, He enables and causes His people to overcome, to have victory. There is hope in Jesus Christ for individuals, families, churches, and nations.

"Each session in the morning will be an exposition and application of each message to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3. In the evening, we will look at Revelation 4 and 5 where we will see the focal point of power and importance in the universe, the Throne room of God Almighty. We will have an overview of the book of Revelation and a reminder of the central theme of Revelation, Jesus Christ Himself. Bring your family and learn of Christ."

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