
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"God's Law and God's Love: Part 1" (Ernest Reisinger)

"Every heresy and cult waves the word love around like a banner of virtue. It is their favorite word, but it is never connected to God's law. The hippie movement of the sixties also proclaimed this word-painted on vans and placards-often in the form of "free love." Political liberals continue to speak of love divorced from individual responsibility." ...

"We must be very clear that the command to love will not create love or generate love. This command, like every other, cannot create the disposition or will to obey. But the mere fact that love is a command should silence those who argue for an antithesis between law and love. Moses, Jesus, and Paul all connected law and love, as does John in 1 John 5:3: "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome."

read article

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